Seat problem Mitsubishi Outlander

jojo76, Nov 29, 10:18pm
So our drivers seat in our 2012 outlander is not moving forward fully. I'm a shorty a need it quite far forward. So hubby had a look and there appears to be a clip that sits in from of the roller which is stopping it from going forward. Does anyone know if this would be a quick fix or am I likely to need a whole new mechanism?

brapbrap8, Nov 29, 10:20pm
Should be a warranty claim?

tamarillo, Nov 29, 11:07pm
Is it that it used to move further forward? Or has it never gone far enough yet does me back and forth?
If the latter, yes some seat runners have something there to halt further progress, a stopper. Maybe the clip you see is that but look very closely first!
If former, back to dealer.

gazzat22, Aug 18, 10:38pm
Have a look at the other front seat to see how far back and forward it moves ,if better(more) than the drivers seat compare the underside of both and take it from there.