insist on entering a roundabout with their right hand indicator on and go straight ahead. dumb a$$e$.
May 30, 7:40pm
Stop at Give Way signs, then don`t stop at Stop signs. Travel along Motorway, at speed limit, then suddenly slow right down 500 metres or more before the off ramp they intend to take, causing following traffic to slow down.
Let their wife drive.
May 30, 7:49pm
I drive like I own the road - a 1/4500000 share of it.
Jun 1, 2:52pm
Why do some drivers think i cant drive ?
Jun 1, 3:00pm
* (just had this one) drive down the road at their happy, nominated speed, I drive past at my happy speed on a 2 lane road & overtake doing 10-20 kms faster, & they feel aggrieved & HAVE to accelerate & beat you (usually with the 'how dare you' look), then when they get in front back off again or turn off just down the road
Jun 1, 5:15pm
yeah some people seam to get offended if they get overtaken. speed up on passing lanes, even boot it as soon as they see the overtaking lane signs. and its not this "double lanes feels more open so they speed up" nonsense.
Jun 1, 9:20pm
or another good one. following two vehicles doing 90km/h on open road, follow them into left lane of a passing lane, car in front of you makes no effort to pass vehicle in front of them, so you get out and pass both, pull back into left lane and continue doing 100km/h, then car you were following goes flying past at a great rate of knots near end of passing lane then slows down and continues to do 90km/h.
Jun 16, 2:43pm
Indicate left. turn right. dyslexic ?
Jun 16, 4:34pm
* Drivers who continually inch forward in a stationary queue of traffic. (why don't they just drive right up as far as they can and then STOP until traffic starts moving again?) * Drivers who, when turning or changing lanes, take far too long to fully remove themselves from the flow of traffic that they are leaving. * Drivers who think that a personal motor vehicle requires the same stopping distance as a 747.
Jun 16, 4:42pm
turn the steering wheel and head to the left when they talk to the passenger . Ive heard of torque steer ,but Talk steer ? Its nice to make eye contact when talking to someone but not when your driving.
Jun 16, 4:46pm
* tailgate? * put chev badges on holdens? * spend thousands on wheels and tacky add-ons on a POS? * park in disabled spots?
Because they are wankers.
Jun 16, 5:20pm
. refuse to turn on their headlights unless it's night time. Torrential rain? Nope. Fog? Uh uh. Lights are just to see in the dark.
Jun 17, 5:39am
++++1 and tailgate right up your arse like they are the most important AHole around and anyone else on the road is inconveniencing them by being in front.
Jun 28, 1:24am
Drive with barking cats on their lap, when they know very well that in an emergency they wont be able to turn because their mutt is stuck in the steering wheel.
Jun 28, 1:30am
*Not turn into their own lane when turning into a dual-carriageway?
*Indicate left before the roundabout, but then proceed straight through (dangerous!)
*Indicate right on the roundabout and then go straight ahead (annoying)
Jun 28, 1:33am
not keep left then when a near accident happens fist out window yelling abuse . ultimate retards like the one at local mega today screaming at me telling me too duck off I like get duck clown u on my side of road get ducked retard the police need to take over driver licencing again far too many people should not a have a licence at all .
Jun 28, 1:42am
Drive at all? Seems it causes all manner of frustration, anger, abuse, chaos and more poor driving as result. Deal with your own (how many sq mtrs is a car or whatever?) and move on with your life. Yes it's annoying as all hell when someone holds you up for 60 seconds or so but in reality there is nothing that can or will be done about it. Its all been going on since the advent of the wheel no doubt. Christ, people can't even walk on the footpaths without upsetting each other. What we all gunna stress about when we have driverless cars doing it for us? I'm sure we will find something to replace road rage, humans are very adaptable. And just remember the old saying, "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"
Jun 28, 1:58am
Drive a dacia sandera
Jun 28, 1:59am
In a more serious note. Use rear fog lights when its not foggy
Apr 17, 9:10pm
or even worse use fog lights when no fog. bloody bright when wet at night and most ppl seem to use them!
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