* follow slow cars, pull out to pass them, get alongside then slow down to the same speed blocking the whole double lane road * back out of driveways without turning the wheel so instead of ending up reasonably parallel to the curb they block the whole road * pull out of intersections & then stop again halfway around the corner even though the road is clear so the driver behind while also checking for traffic both ways & proceeding because the road IS clear doesn't see the stopped car * Think that turning lanes can only be moved into AT the road marked arrows so they cut off people that have moved into the lane at the start of it
May 30, 3:53am
The same reason that people just walk out in front of cars doing 50 kph in town expecting you to slow down or stop for them. Too much sugar and not enough exercise ! For those who didn't realise, the world went mad about 5 years ago :-/
May 30, 4:03am
. not turn on their lights these dark mornings and evenings (my pet hate) The idea is to "be seen" NOT "Oh I can see whats your problem" chances are it will be a black suv, driver wearing sunglasses on overcast day.
May 30, 4:06am
. not stopping at stop sign, corner of main south road and Aylesbury road Burnham, one of the busiest uncontrolled intersections in canterbury during peak traffic.
May 30, 4:07am
*Tailgate a car. then blast past it only to turn off at the very next road/driveway. *wait and wait and wait at a giveway even though there is plenty of room to go and then pull out infront of a car anyway. *drive behind a reversing vehicle like a van that has limited vision and get the $#!ts because they nearly get backed into. *
May 30, 4:11am
Drive around carparks like they are hampton downs
May 30, 4:13am
Jiggle the fuel pump hose trying to drain the last bit of petrol out of it. (this doesnt work and you look like a nob)
May 30, 4:15am
. Act like dicks when they are driving.
May 30, 4:27am
. pi55 me off
May 30, 4:38am
Same as Warkworth - Give Way and Stop are just indicators of what may apply to others - not the actual driver at the time.
May 30, 4:54am
. follow you up an otherwise empty passing lane and then when you reach the end try and overtake. . at the start of a passing lane, drive in the left lane and then swing out onto the right lane to overtake, instead of going straight into the right hand lane and overtake. . treat road works with restricted speed limit on a passing lane as a race track to overtake everything. 3 cars wide on loose gravel on a 2 lane unmarked passing lane ? (hats off to the road crew at the moment who have seen common sense and blocked off one lane and forced them into single file). . tailgate you up an empty passing lane or empty straight. . drive at 80km/h untill they see the passing lane sign, then boot it and do 100km/h. also weave across the lanes to try and stop cars passing. . overtake you doing 100km/h and then sit on 80km/h . do 80km/h until you overtake them and then tailgate you at 100km/h. . drive at 70km/h in a 100km/h aera, 70km/h in 70km/h aera and 70km/h in a 50km/h aera. . refuse to pass you on a long empty straight but try and pass you through a turning bay. . drive in the middle of gravel roads at 30km/h. . drive on the wrong side of the road through intersections. . stop at the intersection on the wrong side of the road. . stop the middle of an intersection to take a phone call.
May 30, 4:58am
. insist on owning a great pig of a 4wd that they don't need, and never use for it's intended purpose, which completely blocks the forward vision of following traffic, and blinds you with high mounted lights at night, blazing in your mirrors when behind.
May 30, 5:16am
-when turning a corner either left or right, swing wide at the last minute to turn the corner, usually far enough across they are over the line into the straight through lane beside them. -pull into a marked turning bay at the last minute and be at a 45deg angle with the rear 1/4 of their car blocking straight ahead traffic. -drivers turning left into a 2 lane road and give way to the traffic that isn't even in the lane they are turning into -drivers trying to merge with 100km/hr motorway traffic at 50km/hr. -drivers that nip out from a side road in front of you forcing you to brake, when there is no traffic behind you or coming toward you for miles. -drive with super bright rear fog lights on. is bloody annoying when following them, and makes it difficult to see their brake lights.
May 30, 5:22am
*Turn right into a 2 lane road & don't keep to the outside lane cutting off left turning cars in the process , must think they're all driving B-trains which leads to. * have to hug the centre line & do a huge swing just to turn a small car into a driveway or side road
May 30, 5:25am
There are so many why's in the world of driving, the question you should be asking yourself is: Why do I choose to knit-pick? Life's too short worrying about Nanny Mabel pulling out of her drive parallel taking up the whole road. Simply stop, wait for Nan to turn and pull away, kindly wave to her and be on your way. Or like nzmax - slow down for the 50kmhr driver merging being mindful that perhaps they misjudged the speed of traffic and follow regardless.
May 30, 5:27am
. when turning right on a busy 2 lane highway with open road limit, sit waiting in the middle of the road with blinker going, creating a serious hazard, instead of pulling over to the left until the way is clear in both directions before making the turn.
May 30, 5:42am
I was talking about being behind the driver that is doing 50km/hr and trying to merge onto the motorway. More than once I have been behind, or in a line behind one of these drivers and because they aren't going fast enough they just simply stop blocking the on ramp. Of course for them to pull onto the motorway they have to wait for a huge gap, and every vehicle behind them also has the same problem having to accelerate to motorway speed from a standstill.
May 30, 5:51am
i have to disagree on that.
most of the time there is no space on the left to pull into. if there was traffic would simply use that to drive past. if the car pulls off to the left, most of the time traffic has to then drive on the wrong side of the road or stop and wait till road is clear and then overtake. then the turning car has to judge two directions of traffic and give way to both. that means more risk and they sit there longer which creates more risk.
if they sit on the center line. traffic has to stop or go around on left, but the turning vehicle only has to judge oncoming traffic and give way to them. its quicker and safer for all.
and to top it off, if they pull to the left, there is nothing stopping the next car turning there to sit in the center to turn. seen some interesting traffic from when that happens.
a little while ago i got held up for a long time by a couple of cars which pulled over to the left to turn into the road i was coming out of. but the muppets stopped well before the intersection and sat with indicators going ready to pull out. perfectly straight road with HUGE space on the left for 3 trucks side by side could have passed them. if they had stopped in the center, waited till road is clear, then turned they would have been through in 10 seconds and i would have been out soon after. but no what they did was to wait for me to work out that they wanted me to pull out first. it took about 10 minutes before i could actually get out due to their stupid antics.
May 30, 6:06am
even worse is when your the last car in the queue and they squeeze between you and the car ahead.
reminds me. the cars that stop and try and wave you through an intersection (ie your going onto a side road) when there is no need for them to stop. and when you finally work out what they are on about they go and almost crash into you. its the old, "i'm being nice, but i'm actually being a prick" or insurance fraud.
people that have absolutely no idea on road rules so they sit at the intersection until all traffic has gone.
May 30, 4:37pm
Move to the left when they have used their rearview mirror & ears to notice a motorcycle behind them . Good on them i say & there should be more car drivers making the same move . Cars pulling out to pass without noticing i am already doing the same thing . Quite predictable though and it is them that get the big fright . Hopefully they have learnt a lesson to check their mirrors in future .
May 30, 4:42pm
* 100km zone, when motorists slow down to 65-70, when they view road-marker-cones located on the shoulder/s of the road, when no 'speed restriction sign/s' are posted?
May 30, 4:46pm
* 100km zone, see a police vehicle parked in open (clear-view) then panick & slam on the brakes and almost cause 'nose to tail' pile-up, when they were travelling well within the speed-zone limit/s? hmmm
May 30, 4:51pm
* I've noticed an increase in truckies speeding up on 'passing lanes' (cant say i blame them either).
May 30, 4:55pm
* some drivers in large modern 4WD diesel ute's pulling trailers (single, tandem, horse floats, boats), with speed/s in excess of 90km's in 100km zones & speed-up on passing lanes?
May 30, 5:04pm
same goes for those who flash their headlights to warn of cops and camera cars.
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