I have a 2005 demio and the rear wiper goes up good but chatters on return.So is it the arm or rubber thats faulty?
Feb 8, 6:08pm
They can often be cured by putting a spanner on the arm and twisting it slightly. They trail the rubber one way and then dig it in going back when they make that noise. If we can get them to sit square to the glass both way (assuming there isn't too much wear everywhere), they don't dig in and there is no chattering.
Feb 8, 6:13pm
Have replaced all the wiper blades on all our cars with the new-type all-rubber ones, mostly from Repco. They are superb and well worth doing to any car.
Feb 8, 6:14pm
Has the rubber become hard? Sometimes a wee wipe with some sandpaper will do the trick, otherwise replace wiper rubber
Feb 8, 8:17pm
Yer. like mech said. one way the blade is pushing and causing it to chatter. twist it with a spanner.
Feb 11, 9:28pm
thank you all for the sugestions
Feb 13, 2:54pm
i spray the wiper blades with silicone once a month and if im going on a long drive with rain forecast, the difference is amazing works a bit like rain x only better,stops all chattering and blades wipe cleaner, enhances vision remarkably, have used it for many years on my car and truck and always keep a can handy, it softens the rubber and keeps it pliable, just spray it on and leave it.
Feb 14, 4:21am
Poster #3 has it. Get the red packet ones as they are as good as the franchise dealers ones.
Feb 14, 2:17pm
OP, there's some poor advice on here. Firstly, new wiper blades are coated in graphite powder for a reason. Oils, silicone etc are what you don't want on your wiper blades or car windows. They may fix the chattering temporarily but they will destroy the rubber. Secondly, don't use sandpaper on a wiper blade, it'll ruin the edge. My first suggestion is to clean the blade and rear window with a detergent based product to remove grime and any built up oils. Straight windscreen washer fluid will work. If that doesn't work you may need to replace the wiper. The rear wiper on your Demio is not a standard wiper blade and it isn't designed to have a wiper refill put in it. You'll notice caps on the ends which may break if you attempt to draw the blade out. Supercheap stores carry a replacement rear wiper for the Demio (listed as a Mazda 2) for about $20. Alternatively, it'll cost slightly more for an OE part at the dealership. Good luck.
Feb 14, 2:41pm
i get that on my front whipers sometimes . the thing is when the rubber sits bent in one direction for months or years its stiff and does not want to flex in to the oposite direction, hence it jutters in the other direction. as a possible reason.
Feb 14, 2:48pm
Quite right. Particularly rear wipers. They hardly get used or replaced and can form a permanent set in the frame that doesn't allow them to follow the form of the window, then they chatter. The only fix is to replace the complete wiper frame.
Feb 14, 2:51pm
thats exactly what the silicone prevents intrade, have been using for years with no problems , silicone protects rubber not the opposite and keeps it soft and pliable try it you will be surprised.
Feb 14, 3:11pm
Why would you smear your windscreen with liquid silicone then use a detergent based windscreen washer fluid to remove grime and OILS from your windscreen?
Feb 14, 3:22pm
" Secondly, don't use sandpaper on a wiper blade, it'll ruin the edge." Have you even tried this?
Feb 14, 3:28pm
Have you ever got the edge back to it's original state?
Feb 14, 3:35pm
I take that as a No. I have done it and restored wipers back to being wipers and not smeary juddery blades, guess I was just dumb lucky, huh?
Feb 14, 4:08pm
The blades need the edge to turn over at the top and bottom of the cycle. Is removing it gonna help? You're also never going to get them back to original condition. You must be either dumb or lucky.
Feb 14, 4:58pm
have you ever tried it, do you know for sure if it works or not, i have and not just around the block, over millions and millions of kilometers, the silicone makes the windscreen slippery so the grime @ oil does not stick to it in the first place, and if you do need to use the washers then just re coat again.
Feb 14, 5:44pm
Why would I try something not recommended by any wiper blade or windscreen manufacturer. You sound a bit like an addict. It works well until you try giving it up.
Feb 14, 6:38pm
i guess because there is no money to be had in promoting a product that is going to enhance and make blades last longer when you are the manufacturer of replacement ones.
Feb 14, 6:51pm
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rain-X#Uses here is a well known product that manufacturers do endorse and its properties are made up of [ hydrophobic silicone polymer] yes thats right silicone.
Feb 15, 12:24pm
At least I speak from experience, having done it and having had success with it. Keep up your theory though because theory must be right, correct?
Feb 15, 9:18pm
Why anyone would piss around sanding down a $2 piece of rubber beats me.
Feb 15, 10:47pm
Yup, that confirms it, you made it all up and knew nothing about what you talked about. Here is a hint, where did I say " sanding down", I did not so go reread what I said
Feb 15, 10:56pm
Wee wipe with sandpaper, sanding down. it's just semantics. It's still a waste of time and energy. If you need to take to them with sandpaper, it's time to replace them.
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