hi just city driving budget around 30K less for better is good lol - will try honda site again tried last night and this morning - wouldnt work
Aug 10, 2:27am
Don't forget Ford Focus,drove one recently and loved it.
Aug 10, 2:29am
okay honda site running now but bit out of price range for what you get for used
Aug 10, 2:36am
OP. Now you have been specific as to your intended use and budget, First choice Suzuki 2WD S-Cross, second choice Toyota Corolla. both nice around town, under 30k, and probably able to negotiate 5 years free servicing and both will be 100% trouble free and will have great re-sale. At least, have a sit in both before you commit to another make.
Aug 10, 3:16am
Here is a very recent review (albeit a pretty rubbish one) of the new lancer. You may find it helpful.
Mrs Stevo just bought the 2WD Suzuki S-Cross Ltd and while it doesn't excel at anything (apart from miserly fuel consumption) it does everything well and doesn't disappoint in any areas.
Aug 10, 4:32am
Add to that dodgier auto trans than other mainstream Jap makes (based on unlucky mates experiences), random electrical issues and a major rust problem with the roof in the early 90's through to mid 00's mirage/lancer.
Aug 10, 3:55pm
That's cause they're good cars, and didn't get sold cheap to fleets.
Aug 10, 4:00pm
Op, what does comfy seat mean to you? Are you a big person? I'm tall and like space around me to stretch legs, and many otherwise comfy cars just don't do it for me. So what is your criteria? Personally I like a big seat with lots of adjustments. Some seats can feel too hard but are actually so well designed that they work (Germans) others are often soft and squishy (French). Of the jappers I find Honda best for me. Big generalisations here though. So, what do you need?
Aug 10, 5:15pm
just dont like too much as in lumbar etc etc - and dont like the side 'wings' too narrow - not a big person at all, and short lol - i like to be able to move seat forward and adjust back. think will have to go and look and narrow my search to a couple of cars and then do the 'goldilocks' thing lol
Aug 10, 5:16pm
thanks will check it out
Aug 10, 5:18pm
Another vote for Suzuki Kizashi, was in the passsenger seat of one over the weekend, very nice cars in the size you are looking at.
Aug 10, 11:38pm
Noting wrong with an X Type Jaguar if you want comfort
Aug 11, 11:49pm
You gotta be joking. Placebo effect for cars!
Aug 12, 2:20am
Nobody's mentioned Primera so far, a bit bigger than Pulsar, but good economy and much better than average handling. A good 5-seater, the 2-litre version goes very well.
Aug 12, 2:37am
There is a reason why a Primera hasn't been mentioned. its because they haven't been produced for years. The OP is looking at a new car
Aug 12, 4:16am
thanks i did have a primera years back it was a great car probably still going lol, i like my car now but i need an upgrade now - i think nissan cars arent so nice looking nowadays
Aug 12, 4:18am
wonder how much you can haggle on new car prices
Aug 12, 4:19am
Depends- sometimes it is best if the price is good to start with just to try and get things like carpet mats, a towbar and other stuff like window tints etc thrown in for 'free'
Aug 12, 4:30am
Aim for a good 10%. My Lancer was pre registered so the dealer was happy to knock it down from $24,990 +orc to $22,990 drive away. I think it was great value at that price, looked at a lot of similar priced second hand cars but couldn't find anything that I liked better.
Aug 12, 5:09am
thanks i can do okay at this stuff so will try once i find 'the' right car. good ideas there monaro will keep that in mind - also aware of best time to go in etc cheers
Oct 16, 3:00am
doh earths atmosphere is80% nitrogen anyway go figure
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