One week after buying a used car, it is brought to tyre shop for wheel alignment and tyre guy pointed out that the D.O.T of the tyres indicate that they are already more than 10 years old and pointed out tiny hairline cracks on the sidewall due to rubber becoming brittle.
Is it reasonable to expect the dealer to replace or contribute part of the cost of replacing the tyres?
Oct 19, 6:02am
Your pre purchase inspection should have picked that up, then you should have used that information to get the price reduced on the car.
If the tyres are more than 10 years old, it sounds like the car has done low km so I'm wondering what other servicing is well overdue. When was the cambelt last changed? If it has one that is.
Oct 19, 6:02am
All comes down to fit for purpose, were they OK for the WOF?
Oct 19, 6:29am
Yes it is low km. PPI did not bring up the age of tyres. It hss WOF
Oct 19, 1:26pm
Since two independent inspectors who are trained to assess tyre safety, thought they were OK, perhaps your tyre man is looking for business?
Oct 19, 1:37pm
They would not be covered under the CGA if it has passed a recient warrent and it also passed your inspection .
Oct 19, 2:35pm
IMO in your specific situation then NO the tyres aren't covered under the CGA on the basis that the tyres were found to be safe by the WOF tester and compliance. In your situation I would ask the dealer concerned what they are prepared to do to help
Oct 19, 3:18pm
The tires would be covered by the CGA if they failed prematurely. Obviously that has not happened as they are past manufacturers recommended EOL, like many other things on a car that is obviously more than 10 years old.
Have you checked the air bag expiry date? Wiper blades?
Oct 19, 4:04pm
Thanks for the replies and suggestions.
Just for educational purpose, do compliance take note of whether tyres (or other components) are older than manufacturer recommendations?
Oct 19, 4:09pm
Unless, like with my son recently you have a 2 day old WOF and canvas sticking out of the tyres. Plenty of dodgy WOF issuers out there. Our dealer came to the party on all concerns after we said we would contact LTSA in regard to the WOF.
Oct 19, 6:28pm
Mopsy--Im hearing you and in all honesty I'm going "yea right" Three senarios I can think of 1) you are bang on exactly right 2) slimey stealer swapped the wheels over to get a WOF then swapped em back hoping son wouldn't notice. 3)Son went out and did a few skids directly after getting the car. I hate to say it but scenario 2 is the most likely scenario.
Jan 21, 2:26am
Unless slimey stealer switched a totally worn out wheel bearing as well, quite likely. He also coughed up for that, eventually. Son drove car straight to our workshop from picking it up about 3 ks away from delivery yard so not a lot of chance of 3 ;-).
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