2004 BMW 318Ti

wind.turbine, Feb 1, 3:48pm
A family member has just bought a BMW 318Ti.

when she bought it, it had a white foamy look on the oil dip stick and the dealer seemed to think it was from sitting unused for so long.

he did an oil and filter change prior to her picking it up.

it has since had the airbag light come on so I have had a look and the fuse and that's fine but at the same time I re checked the oil and it has gone back the same as before with the white foam http://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/photoserver/full/361275493.jpg

is this normal for BMWs or is it likely to be a head gasket or the like
it has no white spots on the base of the filler cap

tamarillo, Feb 1, 3:57pm
No not normal for BMW or any car. Oil is clean! Check radiator cap when cold. Has it got milky deposits too?
Get it checked for possible blown head gasket by someone who has equipment to test not just guess. If problem back to dealer real quick.
Air bag light is different issue and not uncommon. BMW shop will test on plug in diagnosis machine and it will say which one and what's wrong. Can be simple. Don't need BMW dealer use BMW private specialist or ask if local euro car service place has BMW plug in diagnostic tester, it's only hand held but expensive so only some shops will have. Asb light is wof failure though.

tamarillo, Feb 1, 3:58pm
Sorry you say you checked filler cap, do you mean oil or water? Check water filler when cold.

wind.turbine, Feb 1, 4:01pm
yea have checked oil cap and waiting for it to cool down to check the water.
been through this 4 times with my L200 so its nothing new to me, will get on the phone to dealer today

pandai, Feb 1, 4:46pm
What kind of driving habits?

If it's driven around the city, I'd bet money this is simply condensation from combustion - drive the car for a couple of hours and get the engine hot, and it will evaporate.

Even if not, I'd be tempted to take the car for a spirited drive, and see if it's still there afterward.

Not an uncommon complaint from BMW owners.

gazzat22, Feb 1, 5:31pm
Used to be a problem with cars that only did short runs and didnt warm up Poms used to call it" Mayonaisse".Mainly with north-south engines.Follow #5 advice but let the dealer know.

wind.turbine, Feb 1, 5:45pm
have let the dealer know, he too seems to think it is nothing to worry about but it has not even done 1000km since the oil change and its got it, I have looked at the coolant and it appears like it has a brown froth on the top.
will take it for a long drive up north tomorrow and see what happens

pandai, Feb 1, 6:19pm
Might be worth checking the oil level half way through the trip - moisture in the oil would evaporate and cause the level on the dip stick to drop.

tamarillo, Feb 1, 6:28pm
Pandai - it has new oil and filter so NO way is it build up! Just to be super sure I guess you could flush it all out and clean out sump. Still best check gasket whilst fresh from dealers warranty.

poppajn, Feb 1, 9:08pm
Just sold my 2002 BMW 316 ti and never had this problem, I'd guess the head gasket leaking, this is not uncommon. Download for your other problem is $65. Mine done the ABS computer in, thank god the dealer paid for a replacement.

monzaman, Feb 1, 11:55pm
These so far mild symptoms mean one of those fantastic plastic water fittings on the block has blown and caused a quick overheat hence car sold while still running ok,your trip up north in this warmer weather will likely finish it off,get it thoroghly checked before trip to save hassle of break down,I used to work on BMs and Mercedes,good luck.

contagious, Feb 2, 12:01am
Hedgasket gone

pandai, Jul 11, 10:59am
Probably a better hypothesis than mine, after further thought