Hi, any idea where to get a spare key for this car. Tried the ones cut at the mall but no go. The key has a number on it for reference. Not my car, my sisters, so cannot quote number at the moment. Preferably Auckland, TIA.
Apr 10, 6:41pm
only quote number to lock smith ! 90 Toyota blank should be availiable every where ,mister minit in malls ,mega 10 do them had one done last year
Apr 10, 6:55pm
If the car is NZ new go into a Toyota agency parts dept and quote the cars chassis number or registration number, they will obtain an accurate original cut to number key for you and cutting spares from it are then just as accurate as a new key,that's what I do with my cars.
Maybe Toyota NZ (highly likely actually) will have record of the original key number in their systems with country wide access.
Often cutting a worn key just replicates worn key faults, with the worn key effectively all you are doing is passing on what ever "worn" errors that could deem the "new cut" key as useless?
If the ignition lock or door locks have been changed some stage or are worn there may be problems which will necessitate a door lock or ignition lock barrel being removed and the number on either or both being noted to have keys cut to suit ( a competent locksmith will do that job for you.).
Often they get full of gunk and baulk up when newer keys are used, then a squirt of CRC to flush out the grime and often they work the way they originally did.
Good luck with it all and please come back and let us know how you get on. cheers and good luck with it all.
Apr 10, 9:06pm
She tried the guys at the mall. The key would open the door but not start the engine.
Apr 10, 11:03pm
I'd go to an actual locksmith.
I've never been able to get a good key from mister minute, mitre 10, placemakers etc. Their machines are probably just 0.01mm out or something.
Apr 11, 12:50am
with the key number a locksmiss can cut a correct key costs about 20 to 30$ but it will be accurate cut from the numbers. Other option if all key where lost on toyota you take the driver door lock out provided it uses the same key as the ignition from the door lock they can re-create a good working key .
Apr 11, 2:08am
This would suggest that the car has a built in 'immobiliser' function where the key holds a code that communicates with an engine ECU. The easiest solution is to go to a Toyota agent (dealer or service outlet) to get a new blank. You will also need to have the same agent get the key cut and transfer the unique code in the old key to the new one. This may all sound like a bit of a pain however the immobiliser makes the car way more theft proof.
Apr 11, 3:44am
The early 1990's Toyota Corolla's didn't use an immobilizer system. Some models from about 1995-6 used transponder keys but the OP's car most likely isn't one of these.
Apr 11, 3:44am
I think you'll find that the Ignition switch "tumblers" are worn and rounded off at the edges whilst the new key has "sharp" edges that are catching on the inner body. A buff with some fine emery on the edges of the key should resolve the problem.
Apr 11, 3:48am
Also a good spray of CRC will wash out a % of grime in the lock/ignition barrel ,messy I know but I have done this on various vehicles and found it to be a sure fire way of making a "tired" ignition barrel function properly again.
Apr 11, 6:01am
there using wrong blank
Apr 11, 7:42am
That's possible for sure.
Apr 11, 3:49pm
if key is worn put key that makes loock go on in to ACC in steering column lock remove plastic cowling and use a nail to push in a pin on the lock while its in ACC position and you can pull the whole lock out for cleaning and repair by professional locksmiss .
Mar 16, 11:09am
Ok mrs cat---can you clarify please. are you saying that the key won't turn in the ignition or that it will turn but won't start the car? In the first instance I feel she needs to get a key cut to the car code not to sample as the sample is likely the old original key and worn down If it turns but doesn't start then I feel most likely her key has a solid black or grey head on it and the car has a "chip" in it. ANY decent locksmith should be able to cut her a key. WHERE exactly in Auckland is she? -Some area's I can make a specific recommendation.
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