Cortina mk5 whars the points gap thanks

vhpacer1971, Mar 5, 8:23am
hi im fitting new points 2l pinto motor whats the gap im looking for , black diss cap fomoco thanks

intrade, Mar 5, 11:35am
make sure you also change the capacitor if it has usually one with points gap is set most accurate with a dwell angle meter , so you want to know the dwell basically. Rule of thumb was a finger nail is the gap to open.
also study how it actuarly works because electronic ignition works the same only there you cant see nothing
When the contacts open the ignition coil that is fully charged get discharged because the fields collaps and a spark occures. thats the simple version.
Downside of points is the faster the rpm of the engine the less time you have to recharge your coil
the coil is like a vet you fill up with charge its why they burn out if you let the ignition stay on on a old car like this from overfilling the coils-vet

skull, Mar 5, 12:39pm
Pity he didn't answer the only question asked, what's the bloody points gap. I'm sure there would be quite a difference between intrades gnarly fingernail thickness & mine. I'm reluctant to guess, it's far too long ago for an old fart like me to remember info like that about a motor I've never owned.

tmenz, Mar 5, 1:25pm
Bosch distributor = 0.018", 0.45mm
Motorcraft distributor = 0.025", 0.64mm

Dwell angle = 48° - 52°

gmphil, Mar 5, 2:08pm
good ole hacksaw blade with

mrfxit, Mar 5, 2:16pm
.30 to .32 for a std (good brand) hacksaw blade & commonly used for spark plugs (or was that .25)

Now that I have found my micrometer, I might just check that on a few blades ;-)

mrfxit, Mar 5, 2:27pm
Arrhh yes now I think I remember, hacksaw blade was .25 for mower plugs

intrade, Mar 5, 2:39pm
this proofs the huge tollerance these old cars can run on it was not 100% with different finger nail hacksa blade thickness but hey it would run almost as long if it was just about right as it needs adjusting again anyhow when the finger wears off on the distributor lobes. New cars have 0 tollerance for shell be right made fixing like you can on this old= high emission vehicle. its all about emissions the tight no room for error tollerances of today.

franc123, Mar 5, 3:18pm
Doesn't matter a crap what the gap is long as you get 50 deg dwell on the meter which is the way it should be set. 25 thou should get it close, followed by about 6-8 degs timing depending on whether using 95 or 98. Sounds like its time the OP needs to splash out $20 on a Haynes manual.

snoopy221, Mar 5, 5:27pm
The big kicker here is the distributor ain't brand new-therefore it would be recommended to simply whilst setting the points gap to have the points sitting wide open and install the rotor and check for sideways play in the shaft and bearings-clearly visible in the changing gap of the points.
Too much play and dwell will decrease as revs rise.
Hence the actual gap can sometimes be smaller than book settings to give better coil voltage -or repair /remove wear from distributor-or fit electronic as suggested.

vhpacer1971, Mar 6, 8:16am
thanks for that I use feeler gauges lol not bits of me body ,,

rovercitroen, Mar 6, 11:22am
And once you have set the points gap (ie. dwell) then check and reset ignition timing. Changing the points gap will change the timing.

vhpacer1971, Mar 6, 4:13pm
thanks just were abouts do you put the dwell meter red wire an black

bjmh, Mar 6, 4:19pm
Connecting the meter

Follow the maker's instructions. Normally one lead is connected to the side terminal of the distributor if it is outside the distributor body, or the CB (contact-breaker) terminal on the coil, and the other to earth.

Most modern cars have negative earth: connect the black (negative) lead to earth and the red (positive) lead to the distributor or coil.

On a vehicle with positive earth, connect the red (positive) lead of the meter to earth and the black (negative) lead to the distributor or coil.

bjmh, Mar 6, 4:20pm

intrade, Mar 6, 4:29pm
buy the haynes manual on here and use it for references only methodes are often good in there sometimes however swaptron like and that should be avoided

mrfxit, Mar 6, 6:50pm
Yep got a Cortina (pinto) dizzy here that is so badly worn on the bush's that I can't see a modern vehicle even running , never mind driveable

mrcat1, Mar 6, 7:33pm
He's copied and pasted it.

mohaka, Mar 6, 8:04pm
Like guys have said,best way to get best setting is to use dwell meter,takes into account wear on lobes and in distributor bush.

woki, May 12, 8:57pm
Do away with all the worries and replace it with a later sierra dizzy with electronic ignition .