Which subaru wagon would you choose.

gregr3, Feb 17, 11:33pm
. purely from a reliability point of view (and everything else being equal). A newer (say 2010) Legacy wagon, 2.5l (na) H4 with CVT, or an older (say 2007) Outback, 3.0l H6 with standard auto. Both used imports, both with a mileage of around 100,000km.

nicstab, Feb 17, 11:46pm
None LOL

motorboy2011, Feb 17, 11:47pm
Nissan stagea.

kazbanz, Feb 17, 11:48pm
sorry greg I wouldn't buy either. if pushed I'd likely pick the 6 as lesser of two evils.

iluvmuse, Feb 17, 11:48pm
how is stagea pronounced?

gmphil, Feb 17, 11:50pm
up like that lol

motorboy2011, Feb 17, 11:57pm
I'd love to recomend the old shape seeing that's what I'm selling, however the newer m35 is far better, think 4wd v35 skyline wagon.

gregr3, Feb 18, 12:05am
Ha! Actually had an M35 stagea a couple of years back. Only the 2.5l though, would be keen on a 3.5l, although its a pity they're not what you'd call late model anymore (pre 2005).

Go on, don't hold back, why all the negativity towards subaru?

gregr3, Feb 18, 12:08am
My mistake, there are actually a couple of 2007s hanging around.

vtecintegra, Feb 18, 12:12am
The 3l Legacy drives well so long as you don't expect a particularly good gearbox. I don't really see the point in the Outback though - would much prefer the normal wagon

tamarillo, Feb 18, 12:14am
Funny how they get dissed here yet are a winner in US reliability surveys. Some swear by them, some at them.

Have you driven either? Personally I hate driving the cvt box, and found the four with cvt gutless, but Im a driver and enthusiast, you might not care. So I would have the six with conventional auto anyway. I understood the six has great record of reliability (looked at buying one three years ago), but am not an expert. I say drive both and choose then get best one you can and get it checked well.

motorboy2011, Feb 18, 12:24am
Yeah I got the 3.5 stag now. To be honest I don't mind the Subaru, I had one that was thrashed and abused to the point the cam follower fell out, jammed between the cam and cam cover and then smashed it's way out the side. It also made the cam belt slip 2 teeth. I then purchased it, replaced the cover, put the follower back in, replaced the belt. It's still going strong!

vtecintegra, Feb 18, 12:26am
USA never got the 90s twin turbo models which is where a lot of the poor rep came from here.

They did get the DOHC 2.5 which was renowned for blowing head gaskets though.

kazbanz, Feb 18, 12:31am
nahh Greg don't get me wrong Im not negative on subby. I just personally don't like em. Ya know I like a nice reisling and mrs kaz likes a merlot.
Im like that with subbies.-They just don't float my boat.

motorboy2011, Feb 18, 12:37am
funnily enough the reason for no twin turbo there was that the steering column on the left hand side of the car got in the way if they turbo system

gregr3, Feb 18, 1:07am
I've taken the later model 2.5 CVT for a drive and yes, it's not going to set any records. Doesn't help that we currently have an MPV turbo as our point of reference (never thought I'd consider a people mover to be lively). To be honest though it's more than we need, so I'm not too concerned. The 6 does interest me though, seems to have a pretty good rep compared to the 4 (again, purely from a reliability perspective - extra grunt is a bonus).

sport_billy, Feb 18, 1:28am
I had a 3.0 legacy sedan, lovely car and no issues whatsoever. Fuel economy was good for a 3.0 litre AWD vehicle. Only sold it as I wanted more space and ground clearance.

Looked at Rav4's, Outlanders, Territory's etc but had decided on finding an 07-08 Outback 3.0.
Decided the 2.5's were a bit underpowered for my use/liking and from most accounts the larger engine gives much more performance for not too much more fuel use. I test drove a 2.5 CVT Outback and if wasn't for me - suitable for more sedate drivers or around town perhaps.

I have just upgraded to a 3.6 litre outback as it was a great deal for the price.

So far I love it. On a trip chch to Nelson I averaged 8.8 litres / 100km with a car full of gear, 2 bikes on the roofracks and making the most of the clear roads so to speak by making good progress!

Just my two cents worth.

brapbrap8, Jun 11, 5:06pm
I liked my 3L H6 Outback wagon, I thrashed mine hard on a regular basis and it never had a single problem.
Mine was a fresh import through Wingers, and came with a comprehensive service history from japan, serviced at least once a year even though it only did low km.