Granvia fuel gauge

muzz67, Aug 27, 6:32pm
has stopped working. Sits on zero, does not move at all. Fuel light still works if tank gets extremely low, so I assume sender is still working?
Garage said could cost $500 to track fault!
Guessing issue is in the gauge itself?

franc123, Aug 27, 7:47pm
Going to depend on how easy it is to access the sender unit in the tank, you really need to get to it to isolate the fault.

muzz67, Aug 27, 8:21pm
Bit of a mission to remove tank,, looks easier to access gauge.
Oh well, out with the tank next time it's nearly empty.

gazzat22, Aug 27, 9:39pm
From memory if you can get at the gauge sender unit earth it on the body,if the gauge go,s to Full the sender unit is kaputGood luck

kazbanz, Aug 24, 4:21am
Muzz-I would be surprised if the issue is the gauge. More likely by far to be the sender unit.
Has the tank had a ding put into it recently?
Also you should be able to access the sender unit from on top of the tank