Retreading car tyres

tigger8, Apr 25, 4:03am
does anyone do this any more?

skull, Apr 25, 4:12am
If they do they aren't the sort of thing you want on your car anyway. in my humble opinion.

kevymtnz, Apr 25, 4:26am
illegal and dangerous

2sheddies, Apr 25, 4:41am
As far as I know nobody sells retreads anymore. I think the importation of cheap Chinese tyres pretty much killed the retread business didn't it? Had a few retreads on my cars in the past and they were okay if budget was a consideration. As long as the original casing was a quality reputable brand I don't see how/why they would have been unsafe? Don't think trying to retread a cheap Asian import tyre would go very well however. May not even be possible.

sr2, Apr 25, 5:01am
Re-treaded tyres have been used for decades with very few problems.
Yes they've become more and more uneconomic in todays world but where did you here that they're now illegal?

tony9, Apr 25, 5:09am
Oh really? Should tell Air NZ and other airlines then.

2sheddies, Apr 25, 5:15am
Thinking about it, I'm pretty sure they still commonly retread heavy truck cases too? At least they did a few years ago.

tony9, Apr 25, 5:23am

2sheddies, Apr 25, 5:36am
Ah cheers for that! Thought so ;-)

tweake, Apr 25, 5:39am
for cars retreads are long gone. they only used to last half the time of new ones and prices came down on new ones which killed them off.
edit: i think it was late '90's when i stopped using them due to price.

personally i think having 4 tires with different sidewalls etc is not ideal for decent handling and safety.

trogedon, Apr 25, 4:43pm
sr2 wrote:
Re-treaded tyres have been used for decades with very few problems.


mainlander05, Apr 25, 10:02pm
Had one blow out on my first car.lucky I had just parked it.after that never again trusted them.I now work n bridge stone and the three people drive on amazes and angers me.please people check your tyres.

upnorth, Apr 25, 11:44pm
Interesting statistic there.

Fresh retreads could fail within an hour of high speed driving.

Retreads left to age a year or two could be put to use and then last for incredibly high mileages.

socram, Apr 26, 5:19am
In years past, the average car such as a Mini or an Escort wasn't capable of much more than 115kph anyway, so retreads were very much the norm for the impoverished. Nowadays, with even the most basic of cars capable of 160kph and higher cornering speed expectations, retreads wouldn't exactly be safe.

henderson_guy, Apr 26, 7:09am
Generally not fitted to steerers though.

sr2, Apr 26, 7:58am
Eeerr. umm. yes. no. (and all this time I thought we drove cars a little faster in the pre-4K over the limit PC, i.e. we're all going to die - world we now live in).

serf407, Apr 26, 3:28pm
Truck tyres have been expensive for a long time.

tony9, Apr 26, 4:14pm
Yes, just like new tyres.

headcat, Apr 26, 11:54pm
Did you pass a "tough new law".

tweake, Feb 23, 10:01am
no idea why your referring to my post for.

i never had any retread fail. they all wore out and i got double the mileage out of new tires when i switched to them.