Insurance write off dereg - Bike

40wav, Feb 4, 7:00pm
Hi All - If a motorbike has been deregistered due to it being an insurance write off, but is still ok, is it able to be reregistered easily - or at all? If so, what's involved? Is it worth it? Cheers

hi-ling, Feb 4, 9:02pm
Depends on extent of damage and the good will of the guy recertifying it. First thing is speak to the local guy and see what he requires. Ive done a couple over the years that had no frame damage, so when I picked up the bike took to local certifier, we photographed all damage areas and around any stress point on frame. Once I repaired it took it back to him with copies of the pics we had taken and went thru with no problems. However if there is signs of frame damage it has to have engineers reports and that costs.

noswalg, Feb 4, 10:13pm
I am currently working through this process, if it has been written off by an insurance company for accident damage it must have a repair certification done, this is costing me $345 and involves stripping the bike and measuring the geometry of the frame, swingarm, forks etc. They can only be out a very small amount from the manufacturers specification, if something is found to be out of limits it has to be rectified, part of my frame was bent, the specs for that part was a tolerance of 0.5mm, mine measured 0.6mm so so a very precise amount. To have that straightened it is costing me $500 but depending on a bikes damage costs can run up to $1500 for the straightening alone. Once that is all done its back to the repair certifier for a recheck, no cost for this for me. If he is happy, a brake declaration needs to be done if the bike was first registered in NZ after 1991, if before it doesn't need one, the repair certifier will do this for me for $50, but I am going to inquire whether I can do this myself. Once that is all done it can go through the compliance check, this is costing me $140 and am expecting nothing else to be wrong (fingers crossed) If something is wrong then you have 28 days to rectify or face paying another $140, once its got its WOF its just a matter of reregistering so that'll depend on the CC rating of the bike. I would say tread lightly, I bought a bike that only had cosmetic damage, the repair certifier told me that 2 out of 10 bikes he fails is for likely previous damage not associated with the last write off i.e crashed then repaired but because it wasn't de-reged it didn't need to be checked just repaired to a WOF standard, I have a friend with a Daytona that's had 3 big off's yet each time it's been repaired and never had to have the frame checked for straightness but fly's through WOF's each time, a bit scary really. I probably wouldn't bother going through this process again, too many what-if's.

40wav, Feb 4, 11:22pm
Thanks guys. That's pretty much all I need to hear. Think I'll give it a miss. Cheers, and have a safe and happy long weekend.

nzangel1, Feb 5, 7:41pm
Mate had gone through the proess and it turned out to be quite expensive.

nzangel1, Jul 3, 4:52pm
As it turned out me mate did make a small saving compared to buying a bike up and ready.