Car Crash Insurance Help Please?

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investmentcoins, Jul 22, 8:30am
Hi, I had a car crash not sure really what happened, Lady said so sorry its all my fault I wasn't watching where I was going, I said I wasn't sure what happened just the crash was probably in a bit of shock. Then a witness said I went through a red light, so the lady said she wasn't sure really what happened either. I said Ok, can anybody tell me if my Insurance will cover me because I went through a red Light or not? I have to really go with the witness as I have no Idea, Im fully insured and obviously speed or alcohol were not a factor. Thanks for your help.

noswalg, Jul 22, 1:05pm
You should not be on the road, how can you not know what happened? I ride a motorbike and drivers like you scare the s#*t out of me which is why I always approach intersections with a lot of caution!

tintop, Jul 22, 3:25pm
No problem

Report what you know to your insurance company.

cammey, Jul 22, 3:34pm
If an independent witness said you ran a red light, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, you will have to assume that's what happened.

Its what insurance is for. For situations when you do something a bit dopey, like accidentally running a red.

Be happy, you are not hurt, and the other driver is not either. You have created a bit of panel damage, no dead kids on bikes on your conscience.

But you may wish to reflect on the fact that your mistake was minor only by luck, and to think about how you drive so as not to repeat it.

As like noswalg, I ride a motorcycle, and my grandkids and I all cycle.

fordcrzy, Jul 22, 4:09pm
you just set your self up for a big fall. NEVER admit liability or fault at an accident ESPECIALLY if the other driver does! And if you have no idea how the accident happened then perhaps you should hand in your licence anyway. you should ALWAYS know whats going on in front of you. i have ZERO sympathy for "drivers" who steer thier cars on autopilot.

petal_91, Jul 22, 4:29pm
In a traumatic crash where there is a head injury it is common for people to not remember what bappened during the crash. You guys should not be that harsh on OP.

3tomany, Jul 22, 4:44pm
Just tell your insurance company what you said here you will be fine. Do not admit liability, let the insurance companies work it out, memory loss is not uncommon after a crash and last time I read a road code perfect memory is not a reason not to drive. Don't worry it will all work out. If it is your fault you will need to pay your excess. Is the witness even independent or known to the driver? you could be getting conned after they worked out you didn't know what or why you were hit.

3tomany, Jul 22, 4:46pm
Forgot to say don't worry about the posters here who obviously lead perfect lives and can drive perfectly it is all in their head, just ignore them.

kazbanz, Jul 22, 5:07pm
Investmentcoins-RIGHT NOW put down in black and white what you actually personally remember from the accident. Nothing more and nothing less. Then get details of the witnesses.
THAT is the information you give to your insurer. Anything else is conjecture.

wasgonna, Jul 22, 5:54pm
Who mentioned a head injury? Driving through a red light is a mental problem.

denisue, Jul 22, 6:13pm
Check with the council, there may be a red light camera at that intersection and you can view the footage, it will show if you ran a red light or not.
A drunk disqualified driver ran a red light and hit my car and wrote it off for me, nearly wrote me off too, so consider yourself lucky there was no major injury to anyone.
If you don't know if you ran a red light, then you obviously were not concentrating on the road ahead. Were you talking on your phone, or texting?

tintop, Jul 22, 6:14pm
This :)

kevymtnz, Jul 22, 6:49pm
if its a camera light intersection request a video from the court

investmentcoins, Jul 22, 8:34pm
Thankyou for your help, all posts taken onboard, I haven't had a crash in the 15 years I have been driving, and no phone was involved either or I wouldn't be posting.I almost find it hard to believe I went through a red light. As another poster said you do go through the motions sometimes when driving / autopilot so to speak maybe this was the case. Thankfully nobody was hurt and ill be a more cautious driver because of this, I feel very embarrassed as I considered myself a good driver, Im going to ask about the cameras cause I would like to know for certain that I did if that makes sence. Thanks again

fordcrzy, Jul 22, 8:37pm
just go back to the intersection and look if they have any traffic cams placed on the lights. easy

kazbanz, Jul 22, 9:11pm
Do be aware that the tapes are only kept for a limited time.
Also the cameras may well be police not council

tintop, Jul 22, 10:56pm
They are moved around.

tintop, Jul 22, 10:58pm
The court will not have any records unless presented as evidence for an offence.

richardmayes, Jul 22, 11:40pm
This kind of incident is why you have insurance. To cover your liability in the event of a crash.

Just tell your insurer what you know, don't admit to anything more than you have to.

But seriously. you HAVE to know if you went through a red light or not.

Not even my Chinese ex-girlfriend or my best mate's stepmother were THAT oblivious of their surroundings when they were out driving. and that's saying a lot.

gunhand, Jul 23, 12:02am
Good for you admitting you had an accident and possibly your fault. I don't think there will be one of us who hasn't had a WTF moment. Then realizing by the grace of a God ( JCs Father,Budda, Al-Malik, Niranker or whatever spins ya wheels) we got away with it. Yes you feel shit (well you should) when it happens but unfortunately that's life.
Those who haven't must keep the halo polish company in business.
And ive had cars go through intersections whilst riding a MC as well.
As for you insurance, thats what it's for. The Police will press charges or fine you or whatever if they were involved.
As said, first rule of accidents, Don't admit anything to anyone even if you know what happened.

lookoutas, Jul 23, 12:15am
The most intelligent thing you can do, is be as dumb as possible.

jmma, Jul 23, 12:18am
If there was a camera, probably would have a ticket by now (o:

lusty9, Jul 23, 12:45am
should u both be on the road if you both have no memory or idea of what happened far, I'd hate to share the road with people who don't pay attention.

lusty9, Jul 23, 12:46am
She/he already passed that test with flying colors.

lookoutas, Jul 23, 1:20am
If you say too much, the coppa's will start handing out tickets.

A mate got hit by a no licence, no rego, no WOF by a natural person, on a 3 track metal road. He had stopped and the POS blazed right into him. Here he was in pain with a broken foot, and the cop asked him what happened.
He said "FIIK, I must have been day dreaming" All he cared about was getting some treatment for his bloody sore foot.
He lost his licence!