Launching a backyard mechanics directory

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kazbanz, Sep 11, 4:41pm
Can you try that again in plain English.?

mals69, Sep 11, 7:20pm
I have a mighty Nissan I do not need to sell or buy - do you think that totally
makes me exempt from having people around me who have sold cars ?
Get real - to say NZ #1 site is no better than one that has a traffic rank of 805 in NZ is just plain stupid !

mals69, Sep 11, 7:21pm
If you can not work it out there is truly no hope for you.

munchnz, Sep 11, 7:41pm is what your trying to do I think

kazbanz, Sep 11, 8:16pm
yep-im just some dozey hick that sells 20-30 cars a month But what do I know?

patiki1, Sep 11, 10:25pm
It might be ok if money doesn't get exchanged,like a mechanic fixing a prostitutes car and the prostitute checking the mechanics dipstick., Oct 21, 4:26am
Hey noswalg, site is up now, few hours old. The domain has changed to mecfinder. Working on some facebook ads to get Mechanics on there. The beginning is always a challenge but we all gotta start somewhere. See how it goes.

franc123, Oct 21, 4:34am
What's this checking the dipstick nonsense. Its full service aka Credit Couch payment, as opposed to Credit Card.

thunderbolt, Oct 21, 4:52am
Just looked at the website and the one mechanic signed up so far.
Pretty big call suggesting the garage who has invested in plant, stock insurance, training, diagnostic tools and pays its workers sick pay, holiday pay etc is overcharging compared to the backyard mechanic.
I wonder when the first experience turns to brown stuff and the backyard mechanic refuses to step up, will the website owner look after his customers?, Oct 21, 5:07am
I hear you. But wait and see what I have in store for Tradespeople. mainly those overcharging plumbers. Look out for tradyfinder in the next few days with capped hourly rates and callout charges. Again, concept might not work if tradespeople don't sign up. If they do, consumers will surely follow.

onlylv, Oct 21, 5:36am
wow! Are you serious? You are getting all the backyard mechanics into trouble if you were to advertise it!

secca2, Oct 21, 6:26am
The mechanic that does "backyard" work on my car works full time at Manukau but lives in Mangere

Must be indian!

onlylv, Oct 21, 6:43am
During my search for a car for last 2 weeks, I found out that heaps of Indians are car dealers, selling cars on trademe or mechanics

secca2, Oct 21, 6:56am
I hope he's paying secondary income tax etc which I doubt, mind you most of south Auckland is run on doggy dealings with incompetent workmanship by Indians, Muslims, and Arabs. what your aiming for is the lower cheap parts of society which will always attracted the same classless type. people like you are lowering the worth of well trained and experienced automotive engineers! I only hope the new generation of the above don't bring their forefathers substandard work ethics into the future! i guess I'd rather the type go and see your mate then come to me.
I have forwarded the link below to IRD so they can make sure you play by NEW ZEALAND rules!

kazbanz, Oct 21, 2:59pm
WWW> comes to mind.

kazbanz, Oct 21, 3:06pm
The red shed mentality shown by the OP seems to be endemic in New Zealand.
Cheaper is better. And when it all goes pear shaped Theres lots of cotton wool to wrap us up in. In the form of "consumer laws"
Followed to the logical conclusion no one will be prepared to work on cars

elect70, Oct 21, 9:59pm
The other thing is if they are carrying on business in domestic property council can charge commercial rates .OR demand he close it & operate in a commercial area , same with power co & telephone service . It happened to panelbeater mate . He sold his business but kept list of customers & started up again year later from home . reckons neighbours topped him off . So backyarders beware spys are everywhere .

barrylarry, Oct 23, 12:04am
maybe would work if they used pseudonyms. ie: FixMan, Super Repair Man, Spanner Wizard. etc

bigfatmat1, Nov 6, 5:22pm
So this popped up as a sponsored add in my fb news feed today.

henderson_guy, Nov 6, 11:50pm
I don't know if this has been considered, but any business has a number of environmental and health & safety obligations to meet. These obligations generally aren't cheap. If people are doing homers for a substantially cheaper rate, are they meeting these obligations?
Something that occurred to me whilst working with a Chinese crew, they have absolutely no concept of H&S, part of the reason they're often so much cheaper

seadubya, Nov 6, 11:55pm
Looks like the first review is yet to come, it will need to be an NZ review though since none of the other country buttons work. I wonder if the "Gay an BS" mechanic is taking it seriously.

a.woodrow, Nov 7, 1:11pm
Get a grip.

elect70, Nov 7, 6:57pm
Wont need to IRD or council will do it , can only run an office type buisness from home .No workshops . They have spies everywhere . See that car parked up the street ,every day , its probably IRd , they gather evidence over a period of months then hit . Tax + penalties + interest

mals69, Nov 13, 10:11am
What work you going to take to them all - you got a fleet of company cars that all need an oil change or something ? If so are you going to get them shipped all round New Zealand or pay your staff to do it ? Or you just got the one car and going to hit a wheel bearing with a hammer, slice a CV boot etc - curious how the logistics of the exercise is going to work ?