BMW 330i M

toysky, Jul 4, 8:37pm
Is mine priced right? Just not getting questions.Would not sell if not requiring a 4x4.

elect70, Jul 4, 10:24pm
Not bad ive been looking for 1 to replace my 328 s but want a manual driven the autos &tiptronic but still like to play with the gear stick

msigg, Jul 4, 10:44pm
I think you will have to drop the price, there are 130 330i for sale on trademe ranging from $3000 to $40,000 not alot of buyers out there, also the trans rebuild might put some off, as always if it's priced right it will sell.

vtecintegra, Jul 4, 11:00pm
I don't think the price is too bad, however your listing could do with improvement:
- Give it a vacuum
- Unplug those cables
- Take some new photos (get the whole car in the frame) and also add more angles
- Most importantly (IMO) don't hide the number plates - it doesn't achieve anything and just makes it look like there is something to hide

tamarillo, Jul 4, 11:38pm
Agree with vtec. Clean her up totally, top pics, take a video and post YouTube with link. Then worry about price which is probably too high to get interest. It looks ok with some others asking prices but who is selling at that? Check expired listings, one went for under 4 with higher kms but great history. You need to stand out from crowd in this market and at your price I could get one from dealer with warranty and legal protections I'm afraid.
Fantastic car though, and can attach a small premium due to m sport stuff. I'd not bother mentioning gearbox myself as a BMW box shouldn't fail at these miles so looks suspicious. I'm not saying lie about it, answer if asked.

vtecnet, Jul 4, 11:57pm
The fact that the number plate is hidden puts me off, as when i'm buying a car one of the first things I do is check it on carjam etc to ensure no finance owing, so if I was looking for a car i'd over look this car and move onto the next one, as there's plenty to choose from.

vtecnet, Jul 5, 12:49am
Buying a Subaru wrx or something now? since you need 4x4?

toysky, Jul 5, 1:48am
Thanks for the advice, I will redo all pics

toysky, Mar 23, 11:19am
By 4x4 talking perhaps Honda, crv or maybe Subaru forester ground clearance needed