Fitting tyres ?

toyboy3, Sep 17, 11:59pm
which dot aligns with the valve ? red or yellow ?

stevo2, Sep 18, 12:45am

muzz67, Sep 18, 1:36am
What are the red ones for?

llortmt, Sep 18, 2:05am
No align red with the valve if no red THEN yellow.

ladatrouble, Sep 18, 3:10am
Red is for the low spot, some rims will have it marked with a dimple or small dot of paint.

llortmt, Sep 18, 4:21am
No the Red spot is the HIGH point for radial run-out and radial force variation of the tyre. However you're right, the dimple, dot of paint or sticker indicates the WHEELS low spot. The high spot of the tyre should thus be aligned with the low point of the wheel. Failing this (i.e. if there is no mark on the wheel). Red should be aligned with the valve with preference over the yellow mark which is the tyres light balance point.

jmma, Sep 18, 4:32am

llortmt, Sep 18, 4:34am
So what I said then. LOL

jmma, Sep 18, 4:56am
You win the Choccy Fish (o:

upnorth, Sep 18, 3:53pm
Red dots on India tyres?

bjmh, Sep 18, 4:38pm
higher caste ?

wiseone58, Sep 18, 5:23pm
Rite x3

geordiemotors, Jun 7, 2:00pm
Its always been the red dot, well, for the past 20 odd years I have been in the auto industry anyway. Align with the Red Dot to
valve stem, shouldn't need much weight to balance wheel if any. Providing the rim runs true, also depends on the quality of the tyre being fitted.