can i renew the rego on a mates car?just checking as hes away at sea and has loaned me his car thats had no rego for 2 months,i dont have to reminder notice so do i just rock on into the postshop with old rego or. ? cheers!
Jul 31, 9:15pm
Just rock up with the number plate written down and fill in the appropriate form.
Jul 31, 9:16pm
Yep --as long as it has a current WOF
Jul 31, 9:19pm
Bear in mind that since its been unlicensed for two months it will have to be paid up until now as well as how ever many weeks or months forward you want to buy.
Jul 31, 9:22pm
You'd need his driver's license details if doing online but in store sudh as post office/vtnz should be fine.
Jul 31, 9:49pm
Did mine online last week as I hadn't received the reminder notice. There is a new system now and all I did was put in plate number and all the details of the vehicle came up. Much easier than before
Jul 31, 9:51pm
cool thanks guys,ill go and put a 3 month rego on it shortly,just wanted to check because i remember trying to renew rego on my ute which just happens to be in the mrs's name and they wouldn let me do it.maybe just powertripping lol or trying to be all official like i dont know,seems silly to me
Aug 1, 12:14am
Yes, you can do mine too if you're keen!
Aug 1, 12:29am
Remember though as franc says, they'll backdate it two months, so you'll only receive a months worth of useful licence when you purchase 3 months. You'll need to buy 5 months to get an actual 3 months of useable rego now. Just thought I'd reiterate so you don't think they're short changing you!
Dec 1, 8:35pm
Remember to pay the minimum period that will take you up to 1 July first because that will be at old rate. Then you can pay new rate going forward.
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