Change ownership/take rego off hold

debulebule, Jan 26, 8:39pm
Hey guys,

Just a bought a 50cc bike with it's rego on Hold. Is it fine to change ownership while it's on hold or will they require the current owner to reactivate it?

Also, if I'm the one who needs to reactivate it, how do I go about doing so? Had a bit of a google but can only find info about putting it on hold. Been out of the country for a bit so a little confused.

Cheers all.

faa_luke, Jan 26, 8:42pm
Can change ownership with it on hold.

Everything else can be done here:

debulebule, Jan 26, 8:55pm
Cheers mate.

kazbanz, Jan 27, 12:33am
Do c of o which is required by law and the rego hold gets removed automatically--then just do the rego

intrade, Jan 27, 12:35am
rego will go off hold if you buy it so put it back on hold for 12 mont if you dont intend to register it in the next 2,5 month

smac, Jan 27, 12:39am
Change of ownership does not remove/end the exemption. The exemption has an end date, and this is not effected by the ownership.

ebygum1, Jul 20, 2:19pm
I recently sold a car with the licence on hold. No problems doing change of ownership,we checked afterwards and it was still on hold.