03 Mazda6 hatch struts - where to get replacements

phillip.weston, Aug 14, 12:49am
Hi all - am back in New Zealand and after visiting my mother found that the hatch struts are a bit weak and the hatch has come down on her head a few times. Where could I obtain inexpensive replacements? Is a 2003 NZ-new GSX model if that makes a difference.


lookoutas, Aug 14, 1:45am
You shouldn't have to ask that!

Repco have an assortment. If not, they can be regassed.
The Repco ones are a cheaper option, But the regassed ones have a better gas.

phillip.weston, Aug 14, 2:36am
It's been a while since I've even had to look for parts in NZ, and I figured Repco would be up to their usual rip off tricks. Will phone around tomorrow. Thanks!

phillip.weston, Aug 14, 2:38am
PS I'm in Taumarunui for the weekend. I wouldn't mind coming to have a drool over that mustang of yours.

jmma, Aug 14, 2:44am
Welcome home PW (Mitzi guru) (o:

phillip.weston, Aug 14, 2:56am
Thanks jmma - it's been more than two years since I was last here. it kinda feels weird haha. Rest assured I was straight into working on one of my Mitsis to tidy and service it before its WOF tomorrow.

lookoutas, Aug 14, 3:00am
No sweat.
I might be at the workshop doing an oil-change and dung-out. If not, at home in Wackrow St. Only house with a tiled roof.

phillip.weston, Aug 14, 8:08pm
just FYI if anyone else is in the same boat - Repco want $108 for aftermarket struts while genuine Mazda items are $63 from Fairview. Auto trail can make them up for about $55+GST.

lookoutas, Aug 15, 12:33am
I can't recall how much the regassing is, but I know they use a better quality of gas.
A bit thicker in consistency.

I know the guy who invented the regassing system. When he told me how it was done, it's so bloody simple.
My response to the explanation was:- "You clever bastard!"

phillip.weston, Aug 15, 2:02am
Unfortunately being in the small town that we are in, I don't think we have much choice here haha. I'm in Hamilton next week so will grab the struts from Mazda. I don't think she will have the Mazda for too much longer, it's starting to get old, kms are getting up there and she keeps bumping it into things. If you see a gold Mazda6 around town look out haha

lookoutas, Aug 15, 4:54pm
So long as she keeps taking it to the supermarket car park. we're happy.

mk3zephyr, Aug 15, 6:06pm
Stabilus in Auckland make them and regas them, Actually Repco send a lot to Stabilus from all over the country to be remade and regassed and adding their margin. The gas used is a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen and then tested in a newton force meter. worked there for a couple of months between jobs.
Have a look on a strut, usually has stabilus on it as they are a big worldwide germany based company.

intrade, Aug 17, 11:23pm
taumarunui wrecker and horopito motor have some newer cars in stock. horopito has a whole new paddok for 90s 2000 stuff away from the old stock.
For new i would get a few quotes sometimes auto one is cheap i mostly use partsmaster up north

807, Sep 30, 5:12am
Yep, Mitsi owners will be over the moon !