Where to replace Oxy/acet valve?

steves73, Sep 9, 4:02pm
The square key in the valve of the oxy bottle sheared off. So cant open or close the valve.

Where do i go to have the valve replaced or repaired? Supagas?

I guess the bottle will need to be retested too?

Any idea how much $$?

Anyone know?


johotech, Sep 9, 4:14pm
One of these places should be able to do it.

Or if you rent the cylinder, take it back to your supplier.

sr2, Sep 9, 4:56pm
Valves on gas bottles theses days are fitted with soft seals that do not need to be overly tightened, it really pisses me off when someone uses my gas set and swings off the valve spanner!

yz490, Sep 9, 6:50pm
I thought all bottles 'had' to be hired since a few years ago or was i duped into handing my owner bottles in. Damn. Talking Boc Gas, not sure who else does them! .--down Palmy way anyway.

intrade, Sep 9, 7:17pm
you dont need to hand anything in it i would never in hell give boc a cent if i had a joice

sr2, Sep 9, 11:00pm
Hate to say it but if they were exchange bottles you owned them and you were duped. BOC just wanted everyone to rent their bottles off them; hence their enthusiasm to "dispose" of them on your behalf!.

If you've still got an old set of exchange bottles Supergas can test the bottles and fill them for you.

I just couldn't live without my oxy/acetylene set!

Edited to point out that maybe I need to get a life! :)

steves73, Sep 10, 3:57am
Yup! lent it out to a mate. Said it was closed but could hear oxygen still flowing at the torch when clearing the hose, so tightened it more. Anyway, still oxygen flowing out ever so slightly. Seal mustve been buggered, now the whole valve is buggered lol

gtrb26, Jul 11, 6:08am
Tank test should be able to do it, a Co2 valve cost me $100 to replace and about $60-$70 for a test from memory.