1993 ford fairlaine 4 speed automatic transmission is not going properly cause of a blocked filter where are they located and can the transmission be cleaned out / replace the filter while its still in the vehicle or does it need to go into a workshop to be ''rebuilt'' costing over $3600
that video is like all videos not correct . what they dont show is how you need to purge the torque convertor from its old fluid. and how you might have to tighten up the bands to factory specs. that is missing off the video.
Oct 31, 1:29am
when the car is started and any forward gear is selected, it starts to roll forward then slips out of gear but the fluid is at the normal recomended level
Oct 31, 1:40am
ok, how does one drain all of the old fluid out of the torque convertor
Nov 1, 12:14am
By taking it to local auto trans shop, or workshop who offers full flush service. They pipe into pipes between trans and cooler and run auto flushing old crap out and putting new stuff in. Simplified version. 200-300 bucks for full flush and filter.
Nov 1, 12:28am
you can just disconnet the hose from the trans cooler returning to gearbox and poke it in to a bucket and fire it up the car will purge it from the sump thru the cooler and it wont return the dirty fluid as you put it in a bucket. you need to shut it off and refill sump before it runs out . usually needs 12 to 16 liter transmission fluid to exchange it correctly like this. i am going to make a video about it but i am still starting to learn how to even edit videos first lol
Nov 1, 12:39am
Yer. I don't think the problem is with the oil but.
Nov 1, 2:50am
My EF years ago in Perth I was told the transmission needed rebuilding. Same sort of price your talking about. Was jumping around in gears, Mate told me to go to another transmission shop he knew of. Guy sold me the selector switch on the side of the box. $60 and 20 min later all fixed. Probably pay to do a bit more investigation first before a rebuild.
Nov 1, 8:04am
My EB2 did some fairly weird stuff. Took off both the throttle position sensors (really easy on the V8 model), cleaned them and put them back. Never had a problem since.
Before I did that it would hold gears for ages and roughly down-shift. I guess the transmission computer thought I had my foot flat on the accelerator.
Nov 1, 2:07pm
not uncommon for the switch on the side of the box to become fouled with dirt etc, and not hard to remove and clean, would have to be the first step and could solve your problems
Nov 1, 2:49pm
OK what happens in reverse?
Dec 3, 2:03am
Try Openshot video editor for Linux. Easy to use
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