Are you thinking of the Audi all road 2.7 that did have a weak Toyota box? The Volvo box is, like most people's, made by Aisin Warner (who were owned by Toyota later in life), but I've not read of particular gearbox issues with it, apart from usual stuff that is.
Jun 22, 4:18pm
your dreaming. Land rovers were built for towing, buy the defender 110-130 or the discovery.
Jun 23, 1:00am
Yip, it's an asin box, code is something like aw 55-50. It is notorious, when coupled with the higher output engine they often don't even last 100K, and that's without towing. The only way you can make them last a reasonable time is very short service intervals with the correct fluid. If you ever get one, Castrol makes the fluid for Volvo and it's cheaper bought from them. I can look up the Castrol name if you ever need it.
That box is in most Volvo's from about 2000 onwards. I think the XC70 now has a DSG but not sure on the changover year, I think that is possibly only just happening now, it's getting or got the same transmission as in the Mondeo's etc.
It's a shame as they are a great and very affordable car otherwise. That said, if you bought one that had just had the transmission replaced, or cheap with a dead box and then repaired it. that might give you a decent service interval.
Hope that helps! BTW. I don't mean to troll when I point out it is/was a Toyota subsidiary Jap box. It's just prior to my mentioning as such, these comments would generally be followed with the usual euro bashing. So easier just to get in first.
Jun 23, 1:14am
You actually do mean to troll, Aisin's made good (MT) boxes for the Porsche 911 (996), the six speed in the S2000/MX5 (Nb). The VW DSGs are Borg Warner. Other makers, ZF, Getrag, whatever - all have churned out turkeys from time to time, just as all auto makers have churned out lemons with hand-grenade engines etc.
Jun 23, 1:19am
Absolutely, I agree. It's just when I have mentioned this in past the usual gaggle have done a dance and blamed Volvo because it's "european", when clearly in this instance Volvo are not to blame.
I probably shouldn't have mentioned it at all.
May 8, 6:36am
Thanks for clarification jazz
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