Alpine car alarm

skifflebar, Mar 21, 6:12pm
Our car alarm remote is almost worn out. The remote is a two button type, model # 8435.
It is patched up and working but for how much longer?
Does anyone have a set of working older Alpine car security system or know where a set (or one) may be found?remotes they wish to donate / sell? thanks for any help

tmenz, Mar 21, 7:39pm
Have you tried Mister Minit?

skifflebar, Mar 21, 9:37pm
No, we haven't. The last time I used Mr Minit they only did keys?
I would prefer a genuine remote but a generic one will suit too. will check them out, thanks for the reference

ashdyson, Mar 22, 3:12pm
Something that old you would be lucky to get genuine. Generic could possibly be the only option

budgel, Mar 22, 4:02pm
Check out your local wrecker, mine has a box full of remotes. You might get lucky. My Mazda ute had an alpine alarm.

oversize, Mar 22, 7:22pm
email these guys
[email protected]

NZ Alpine supplier

tweake, Mar 22, 7:37pm
not sure if alpine will be much help as they don't seam to make alarms anymore. i'm guessing the alarm is near on 20 years old. best bet would be wreakers as suggested above or simply get a more upto date alarm fitted.

dave653, Mar 23, 2:26pm
SCA has various remote shells for sale.

divermark, Mar 24, 5:48am
Discontinued years ago and no parts available.
Remove alarm and replace with current model AVS etc.