Nissan Elgrand fule econ. uh. usage

tigertim20, Jul 17, 2:59am
nissan elgrand, around the 2000-2001 era, with a 3.5litre petrol engine.

what would the estimate economy be?

I am assuming it would be greater than that of my 2--3 BA Falcon ute.

any thoughts?

I have an option on the aforementioned vehicle, but curious as to what I should expect in fuel usage as a comparison between the two

vivac, Jul 17, 3:15am
Should be up around 13-14L/100Km, or thereabouts.

monaro17, Jul 17, 3:41am
Around town (especially hilly Dunedin) if you saw under 15L/100kms I would be very surprised. You might get down to 10L/100kms on a long run. They are not economical vehicles- yes will definitely use noticeably more than the Falcon

upnorth, Jul 17, 3:43am
9km/l on 3000km Aussie outback trip last year, 70l tank.

motorboy2011, Jul 17, 3:43am
What would you expect from a 350z powered bus.

xs1100, Jul 17, 3:47am
I would expect nothing a Nissan with the aerodynamics of a brick and a 3500 engine to boot and you want to talk economy

henderson_guy, Jan 30, 11:31am
Colleague of mine was getting 17L/100km around Tauranga.