The ute is due for tyres again What would be the best to go for out of: maxxis bravo at AT700 or hankook dynapro rf10. Probably do 80 20 seal/off road. Average milage is about 20k a year.
Jan 6, 1:45am
We have been changing 4x4s over to Maxxis been good so far.
Jan 6, 1:11pm
jinyu are good tyres i got some on rear of camper still had more thread then the front new tyre i had to put on , could not get jinyu in a hurry as needed for wof new ones.
Jan 6, 2:34pm
OP, I have been running hankook dynapros on my ranger(s) since 2008 and they are great tyres. They make quite a bit of noise at the end of their life is one negative, and I had one set that ripped in the sidewall on three tyres when nearly new and Hankook wouldn't replace. I haven't tried the Maxxis tyres so couldn't compare, but the guy I get my tyres from is suggesting them for the next set as he reckons Hankook are getting dearer.
Jan 6, 3:22pm
Consumer rated the Maxxis excellent value (around $195) for such a good tyre.
Jan 6, 3:28pm
what was the explanation from the workshop for "ripping in the sidewalls"?
Jan 6, 3:41pm
Turning too tight on tarseal in four wheel drive. This is right, I have to do it when coming out of a particular gateway, BUT, I have done it hundreds of times, and only had problems with one set of tyres. Given that the truck is on about a 35 degree slope pointing up hill at the time, there is hardly any weight on the front tyres anyway. I'm not to worried about it, you win some you lose some.
Mar 16, 1:07pm
I'd trust them more than the donkey and lemon guide.
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