Want to buy a 7 seater what are the pros and cons of these two models? Looking to spend around 30 k
Jun 9, 1:47pm
I was given the new Santa Fe elite as a loan vehicle while my van was being serviced. Admittedly I only drove 30 or 40km but it was an OUTSTANDING drive. A lot of power from its diesel engine, very quiet and comfortable and a refined drive. The Craptiva on the other hand is pretty much the opposite.
Jun 9, 3:03pm
I think once you have driven both of them you will have already decided one of them is significantly better than the other.
Jun 9, 3:40pm
diesel unless it runs adblue then you must drive once a week with no stopping 50 minutes or longer at moderate speeds, to be able to clear the diesel particular filter. if not it has to go in for service every 6 month with oil and filter changes and a forced regeneration befor oil change. this still will shorten the live of the filter quite a bit. with adblue its another expense and the vehicle will shut down on you with message warning X km left befor the engine ecu will shut ithe vehicle off for 30 minutes befor you can restart on a empty almsot empty adblue urea tank.
Jun 9, 4:02pm
No diesel cars or SUVs use Adblue.
Get the Santa Fe, the Holden is junk. Worse to drive, worse to own because they are not especially reliable.
Jun 9, 4:11pm
The Santa is made by a very good Korean company with massive research facilities and the motivation and a determination to catch and beat the Japanese. The Captiva is made by a Korean crowd with a shed and GM telling them what to do.
Absolutely the Santa Fe every time. I would take a 4 year old 100,000kms example of a Santa Fe over a brand new Captiva ANY DAY. The Hyundai is a fantastic vehicle In most ways- the Captiva is nothing but a heap of rubbish.
Jun 10, 2:22am
is the captiva the same running gear as the colorado?
Jun 10, 2:27am
No- not at all
Jun 10, 2:28am
IMHO GM used to make jokes about the daewoo nubira, and other copies of GM europe cars.
Then GM got in financial trouble, and bought Daewoo as a last gasp survival straw.
Its a third tier vehicle.
The Hyundai is first tier.
Jun 10, 2:31am
lots of carryover parts from Daewoo cars none from Colorado infact Colorado is not a bad truck
Jun 10, 2:35am
so what breed is the colorado? daewoo?
Jun 10, 3:16am
I think so yes, just about everything (exception of the Commodore) is Korean
Jun 10, 3:18am
Rebadged ISUZU I think.
Will be as bad as the old ISUZUs. Lots of transmission issues, average engines. That was my experience anyway.
Jun 10, 3:27am
Colorado is mostly Isuzu except the engine is GM but from what I don't know
Jun 10, 5:51am
There is a new SUV Colorado 7 based on Colorado ute which is being spoken of well but as a proper off roader truck SUV not a soft roader. And it's maybe too new for price range.
Jun 10, 1:44pm
Me, 2014 model. POS compared to the SantaFe
Jun 10, 4:36pm
Yes hideous machine. They should take the holden badge of and put Daewoo back on it so people know what they are buying.
Jun 10, 5:17pm
yes. Son worked at a car yard for a while a couple of years ago and used to deliver cars out to customers. I used to go with him occasionally. Santa Fe brilliant, Captiva horrid. Even the particularly boring xtrail was a nicer vehicle than the "holden"
Jun 10, 6:01pm
I know so somebody whos captiva stood up fairly well to a fairly heavy impact from a truck. Although the vehicle was written off, all 5 occupants had minor injuries from seat belts and air bags. In saying that, the hyundai is the superior vehicle
Jun 10, 8:24pm
I know a guy who works at a Holden stealership in Australia and they had a brand new showroom Captiva dump a substantial load of oil on their showroom floor after it was parked up.
Jun 10, 10:21pm
The manager above me has a Craptiva and just everything about it is rubbish.
Engine is gutless but noisy, ride comfort is ok, handling is terrible (even after its size is taken into account), seems to have a bigger turning circle than Big Boss' VX Prado, interior feels cheap and shitty. Transmission feels and responds like a 1990s 4-speed Japper.
It is less than a year old and already the steering wheel lining, the key remote and the plastic body of the gear selector look half worn out. Forget driving it too hard, forget neglecting maintenance. apparently just TOUCHING these cars flogs them out!
But it has those electric seat heaters that make you feel like you've pissed yourself, that must mean it's a LUXURY CAR, right?
And there is NO DAMN REASON for a car that big to have a BS electric switch operated handbrake. There would have been plenty of room in there for a proper HAND brake.
Jun 10, 11:31pm
#27 I have not been in one , let alone driven one , but can understand exactly what you mean by the quality of materials/fit and finish etc, and have been on this board before asking HOW do people drive such a thing ?(including other similar under-engineered cars), when they could have a much nicer 2+ yr old used vehicle (a more respected brand) at the same price which is just so much better. Do some people just have to get a NEW vehicle within their budget, otherwise it can only be they care not about the enjoyment and "feel" of driving anymore ? There are many company rep's that seem to drive them, would like to know what they think compared to the likely Subaru Mazda 6/Mondeo wagon etc. that were traded from, as surely the open-road handling and general performance/feel is not comparable.
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