I have a car that has a dynatron alarm.Recently it has been happening that the car won't react to the remote.Remote has a new battery but casing has seen better times. So the situation is the remote does not unlock or lock the car and doesnt mobilize the engine so I cannot start it.I tried with the key only,all the electrics work but no starting. On rare occasions,the remote does work and by some miracle the car starts (and I mean by some miracle with me praying for the car to start!lol) Is there a way to check if the remote is sending out a signal to the car or the car alarm is okay?I'm dreading having to remove and get a new,good alarm as that would leave me broke for xmas,so any advice here is highly appreciated. If you know anyone who is good at diagnosing alarms also,please let me know. Rain or shine tomorrow. time to walk to work!
Dec 9, 2:09am
Check yer car battery is fully charged.
Dec 9, 1:26pm
The alarm installers have a signal detector for testing remotes. Sometimes the remote will appear to work but thats only the light thats flashing (dry solder joint or busted component contact or fractured circuit board)
Sometimes they "slip" the frequency & need to be reset (paired)with the master controller Sometimes the signal generator weakens. Alarm batterys need to be fairly good If your car battery has been giving you problems, sometimes that can effect alarms & a reset should sort that out.
In a lot of cases, it's replacement time
Dec 9, 1:28pm
If you can locate a s/h remote, it's fairly easy to re-pair it to your cars alarm. Have you got the early torpedo shape or the later pendant shape. Cases on the early units were crap.
Dec 9, 1:36pm
See if you can get some new remotes
Dec 9, 2:18pm
Dynatron has little or no support in Auckland. That pretty much says it all. If you are sure the issue is indeed the remote then you need to identify what colour the flashing light on the remote is. That identifies the base frequency. They you can buy a new remote fairly easily for about $80.00 That said In all honesty I'd probably just have it disabled -costs about $100.00 then for now find a wan to stop the car being driven if you are really concerned about theft. Even resorting to removing the battery at night.
Dec 9, 7:20pm
Both color lights can be reprogrammed to suit the car. Done it here a few times when ever we have issues with Dynatron remotes.
Dec 10, 2:22am
I got the early torpedo shaped one and yes I checked on a trader on here who can reprogammed the newer remote to this alarm on my car.
Yes my brother checked the voltage of the battery and it looked fine,just a general checkup with his multi-meter. I hope it is just the remote,I might ask the guy who reprograms remotes to check the signal on my remote and just get a new one reprogrammed.
Yeah I can get the alarm disabled,it is a thought but the risk of theft is higher.Also got quoted $360 for a mongoose alarm. which I had in another car,strangely the neighbor had hit their car door on mine and the alarm went off for an hour.The car refused to start after which was really crap so had to get that alarm removed!
Dec 10, 1:35pm
nesta--keep us informed Im sticking by my recommendation to remove the dynatron.
Dec 10, 2:26pm
Could simply buy a new Dynatron unit & splice the harness on to the old unit harness. They are pretty cheap retail unit compared to others & seem to do the job ok for a few years
Jun 19, 10:13pm
Thanks guys for your help. I thought I would take a risk and get a new remote even though the auto electrician said to get a new alarm. The remote was found to be the problem!So got a new one that works!
So glad that is now solved,however I loved my morning walks to work so might keep doing that during summer.
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