I know you not meant to but any one tried putting hartner in fast dry enamel
Feb 9, 1:57am
It's an enamel, odds are it will work out ok, Have heard of this being done. Question is tho, if you are going to the effort of using enamel and a hardener why not just get the correct items. Something like CV (commercial vehicle) 2k which is just fine for most applications and cheaper than normal 2k. Do you have these products lying about? Ive seen petrol used as a thinner with enamel in the past and many other things lol.
Feb 9, 2:46am
Thanks GH. Didn't know about 2K CV. Have the fast dry enamel and hardner. Do you reckon the hardener will set off enamel to a harder degree thanks GH . Always great advice. Left painting just before 2 pot paints started
Feb 9, 3:03am
It should make it go harder yes. If it will make the enamel last any longer I'm not sure. Enamels don't last to well outside but maybe with hardener, who knows. What is it you are painting? If you really not concerned about longevity then go for it. Id go for a 2 to one mix, or even a 3 to one mix. If you are painting something flash get the correct system, no more difficult than spraying straight enamel and in the scheme of things not a lot more expensive.
Feb 9, 4:45am
Thanks. Not that important. Inside of boat. 15'. Bow. Part you won't see easily. Had materials so will use. Will use proper two PAC for rest of job. Thanks again Monty
Feb 9, 12:27pm
Just remember, that if placing hardener into fast dry enamel during this hot NZ summer. You MUST get your second coat on quickly, otherwise it may react and fry / wrinkle .
You need the two coats to meld together and dry as one.
The other way do do it, if it's a difficult area to apply two coats quickly, is to spray one on and let it fully cure overnight or even 2 days and then apply the second coat.
Feb 10, 1:19am
Remember that old 93 plus and winter thinners. the young guys have no idea how lucky they are
Feb 10, 1:38am
Not recommended putting an enamel activator into fast dry, there shouldn't be a need as essentialy the binder used does the same job. Spraying enamel on the other hand benefits from an activator.
Feb 10, 1:44am
Yea, I was thinking about this over night and also reckoned there shouldn't be a great need with fast dry, was prob just thinking sloooooow old enamel lol. If its under cover in ya boot hull then it won't be exposed to the light so shouldn't break down as quick as enamels do in the sun. Last time I painted with it the owner more or less insisted it be done in it as it was cheap cheap cheap. , warned him it would fade (red too) and less than a year later it was going white and chalky lol.
Feb 10, 1:48am
In a DIY situation with solid colours you may be correct.
But spray painting, and having to blend out modern basecoats (especially coarse aluminium's and glittery xirallic's) is a lot more difficult than flicking out an old acrylic laquer metallic.
Toyota's 1C0 or 1E7 for example.
Feb 10, 1:54am
Your right, Wonder why they make these bloody colours, some look bloody awful in some lights. I'm sure customers/owners just see, red blue green etc with a sparkle. geez a Toyota I did last week had 3 special tinters in it out of 5. Wasn't even an exciting colour by any means.
Feb 10, 2:19am
Anything to appeal to the mid life crisis guy or his high maintenance bit of fluff, not a thought about you guys on the end of the gun.
Jun 23, 9:46am
Was gonna bring that up. The 93 plus was good stuff, crispy hard surface. The summer and winter thinners was just a mix of the old Tolulene and czylene. scuze the spilling thear.
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