What is available to clean oil drops off a ash plate drive? Urgent please.
Jul 4, 12:14am
Probably nothing the oil has damaged the aspalt drive as soon as it was on it oil normally disolves the material .
Jul 4, 12:24am
ashlate or ash plate or aspalt? I think you all mean asphalt! There was another thread on this recently. I would just wipe them up with a rag and use a high pressure hot water blaster to totally wash them away. Time and weather will probably do the same thing anyway
Jul 4, 12:41am
pure dishwash detergant scrub flush with hot water gone.
Mar 25, 7:17pm
Pacer make a product called Multi Plus, I've use it straight on oil marked hot mix with good results. We t the area then poor a little on, give it a wee scrub and wash off. You need to be very careful when not to use solvents as they eat asphalt. Pacer have a branch in Christchurch
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