Where to find Nissan car owner manuals?

sonshine, Apr 18, 9:18pm
I have googled without success on where to find owner car manuals for
Nissan 2002 March
Nissan 2005 450gt Fuga
Anyone have any suggestions please? Thanks

andy61, Apr 18, 9:43pm
Try Trademe listing #874085058 for Nissan March Handbook

beno, Apr 19, 12:52am

tamarillo, Apr 20, 5:50am
Assuming you want it in English you'll need to search for one for the non JAPANESE version of the car. The March is a micra elsewhere, but I don't think the fuga was ever sold here at all. In Europe it's an infinity but even getting handbook on eBay might not help a lot with dash board controls as I guess they are different on domestic market fuga.
Problem of having jap domestic market cars!

sonshine, Mar 3, 7:03am
Thanks. We now own a March and a Fuga. Need a manual more for the Fuga, which my hubby is loving. But finding it so hard to navigate the screens. Will try ebay. Thanks