The LED's you linked to are VERY bright, line of sight you can probably see it from a 500m away.
Either run it on lower voltage, say 6-9v or paint over it.
A flashing light on an outside alarm box is not normal, (drive around and see how many you can spot) so putting one outside the house is more like saying " hey thief, look over here, this is a fake alarm"
Dec 21, 1:08am
transformer has to be for l-e-d. light-emitting-diode or it be getting hot and melts down like one of my bulbs did before i got a correct led transformer for a few $
Dec 21, 1:16am
Blue LEDs need around 3.5V, however this fitting is for 12V so the DC 12V transformers are OK
Ask the seller if the led will light up using a 9 volt battery. It says prewired with dropping resistor for 9-14V operation. I have been running 4.2m of 12v led strip lighting for over a year using a 9 volt battery. My leds have gone on and off over 1000 times and they still seem as bright as they did when we first wired them up to a $2 9 volt battery
Dec 21, 1:43am
This. I'm sure you've got one lying round somewhere.
Dec 21, 2:16am
Yeah, got heaps of them but they are only 3 or 4 volts but are DC Cant find a red or blue pre-wired LED at that voltage, flashing or not.
Dec 21, 2:46am
LEDs are current sensitive and need a constant current power supply to drive them. Without that they will be unreliable and performance will be unpredictable. Worst case you will get a fire.
Ebay have suitable drivers for low prices, or talk to Jaycar or SICOM.
Isn't a flashing light evidence that the alarm has been triggered but not reset? The siren is supposed to stop after a short period rather than piss everyone off.
Ive put up dummy cameras wit flashing led /sensor . They just take 2 AA batteries & last about 12 months
Dec 21, 11:07pm
When I had a security company years ago and had a stand alone double garage about 50 meters from the house I fitted a Micron external siren that flashed about once every 15 seconds when it was armed. Was never burgled with that .
Dec 21, 11:28pm
Anyone who's sold you something will have your address. Best you put up real camera's like I have.
May 16, 10:15pm
I've got one of those around the back. Batteries last about 1 to 2 months if I use good batteries. 2 weeks if I use cheapies
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