Hydraulic arms on hatch have lost their hold

supersapper, Sep 4, 5:22am
so the hatch won't stay open on its own. Will they have to be replaced or is it possible to fix them? My car has to go in for a general service in a couple of weeks and I would just like an idea of what to budget for.

most4u, Sep 4, 5:27am
Gas stays for a bonnet or boot? These can be regassed or replaced, looking at upwards of $60 each depending on who services your local

supersapper, Sep 4, 5:35am
Thanks - its for my boot. Its a Ford Focus so will put it in to Ford to get it serviced.

kazbanz, Sep 4, 2:56pm
IM supersapper--if you are doing it because you want to hey all good. But its not a WOF fail.

serf407, Sep 4, 3:31pm
Ring-email the Ford dealer/ parts. Some new ones I got were $100 each.
Not much fund if the hatch gets blown down in the wind on your head.

lou64, Sep 4, 5:03pm
search on motor parts, gasstrutguyz (675 675 positive feedback) they have gas struts for every make & model free p+p replaced mine for $55 pair arrived 5 days regards Lou

yz490, Sep 4, 6:42pm
How do they re-gas them?, the struts on my Lada Niva [jokes please] back hatch thingy are flat. Thought about fitting them into a length of water pipe & screw the ends on with a valve & see if compressor would blow it past the seals. Or get them gassed to a higher pressure with nitrogen. How high?, what's safe--would it work--or leave it alone?. Office chair gas strut went flat one day & thought she's stuffed till someone said [or i read] turn it upside down & activate it & bugger me it fixed it! . Therefore maybe i should turn the Lada on it's roof & shake it--poor old Lada. last time i used it the fuel pump valves were glued shut--had me scratching head for a while.

elect70, Sep 4, 7:42pm
Check super cheap various lengths way cheaper than OEM or regassing .

lookoutas, Sep 4, 7:47pm
Compressor won't do the job, but you've got the right idea. Although dangerous as hell!
Plenty of places will do a re-gas, but I just bought some from S/Cheap for $23.99 each. Different lengths and pressures are different prices - mine were 300mm long, and have 500N/sqrM of pressure.

m16d, Sep 4, 8:57pm
The cheapest way would be to get a broom handle and cut it to the right length.

peja, Sep 4, 9:29pm
Thanks for that. The struts on my wagon need doing, didnt know these were so cheap, will do them in weekend

supersapper, Sep 4, 11:04pm
Hey thanks for all the replies. It isn't a critical fix but I'm getting a bit sick of having to hold the hatch open while I unload the car so if I can get them done relatively cheaply then I will be happy.

lookoutas, Sep 5, 12:26am
Hey - mine were the shortest on the display rake. Hence they were probably the cheapest, and I didn't bother taking note of the other prices.

I'm only guessing, but sure it's at least $40 to have them re-gassed.

yz490, Sep 5, 2:28am
Done that on my 626 coupe after i had the torsion bar springs off & couldn't work out how to get them back under tension. Ended up at half tension & dropping down into whats in the boot when closing it, !0 years later i recently worked it out & fixed it--slow learner.

yz490, Sep 5, 2:33am
Re the compressor--thanks for that, just something i always wondered about--every time the hatch lands on my head! .

lookoutas, Sep 5, 4:25am
In that case, the word is "compression"

yz490, Sep 5, 11:07pm
True. Cheers.

mk3zephyr, Sep 7, 4:10am
Gas strut services do them or you could ring Stabilus in auckland who GSS will send them to anyway. regassing is pretty simple, just a mixture of Oxygen and Nitrogen, Mind you if the seals are shot you are wasting your time and money.

xs1100, Sep 7, 4:35am
must say after 16 yrs my gas struts on my 1990 pathfinder are stuffed on the door and the glass is this a CGA or should I approach the dealer I brought it off

robbo36, Sep 7, 4:41am
You want a cheap easy fix? . Open the hatch so the struts are fully extended, grab a strut with one hand while holding the hatch up with the other hand and give it a slight bend in the spear, (shiny part) right where the two parts slide into each other. Don't bend too much or it will kink. Repeat on the other strut and wallah, hatch stays up. If it's too difficult to close the hatch afterwards, then straighten each strut spear slightly again.

yz490, Sep 7, 7:32am
Yep, that's my kinda fix--i like that! .lol.

lookoutas, Jul 19, 1:17pm
A short fix. Or until it becomes an FU.

But it's good to see someone referring to the 'shaft' by the correct name. I avoided calling it a 'spear' in another thread, to avoid being questioned.