Car a write off, how long for insurance pay out?

jiffy4, Mar 3, 4:05am
Have been advised car is written off by insurance company. What's the wait time for payment, in your experience? Need to buy a car.

cleanbreak, Mar 3, 4:10am
Have just had that happen to me approx. 4 weeks. would differ on circumstances/fault etc

jiffy4, Mar 3, 4:15am
4 weeks? that's shocking! Why 4 weeks? Can I ask who u were insured with?

sw20, Mar 3, 4:39am
Mine was seven working days with AMI. Written off on the Monday, picked up cheque the following Tuesday. Agreed value cover.

poppajn, Mar 3, 12:31pm
Daughter has just totalled her MB 320 SUV, now find's out her licence ran out on Jan 20th, could be interesting what insurance say's.

bigfatmat1, Mar 3, 12:34pm
4 weeks for me ami

msigg, Mar 3, 11:40pm
Yea poppajin that will be interesting to see what happens, if its just a subscription type thing and not test related then I don't think it has any bearing on the outcome, just compliance with authorities. Let us know , cheers.

kazbanz, Mar 3, 11:45pm
Asking that question on a message board IMO is a waste of effort. I would be calling the insurance co to ask them.
if you can get a Payout figure (in your hand) and a date you may well be able to go to your bank and get a loan until the money comes in.

supernova2, Mar 4, 1:03am
When Mum's Suzi got totaled she had her money the same week as the prang and that was State.

thewomble1, Mar 4, 1:36am
My money arrived in less than a week. Like supernova it was insured with State.

saxman99, Mar 4, 2:30am
It's 2015. Why is not within the hour of the write-off being confirmed?

kazbanz, Mar 4, 1:48pm
because the longer the money is in the money hungry gouls hands the more interest it earns.

andrew1954, Mar 5, 7:53pm
We are with AMI. It was about 12 to 14 days from the prang until the write off cheque arrived. That included a couple of day delay, will my wife could get to the AMI office to sign a form. That sort of time frame seemed pretty good to me.

mardyyy, Mar 5, 8:05pm
Having been there done that from the other side can say the speed is dependant on how busy/efficient everyone in the process is AND if there are things like Police reports needed etc. Regularly used to be only a few days if straightforward, then got to weeks after company structure change. Never saw any evidence of delays being caused by the desire to hold onto money for longer. Just simple bad management behind delays.

lookoutas, Mar 5, 11:45pm
Squeaky wheels get oiled.

socram, Mar 5, 11:56pm
My car was totally replaced within 6 days with an identical model - that just happened to be a fraction newer than the one that got written off. That was through the predecessors to Classic Cover - who use Vero.

skiff1, Mar 6, 1:14am
When I was with AMI, it took about three days

poppajn, Mar 12, 7:32pm
Turned out ok, insurance wrote it off and paid out $8500, she probably would,nt have got that on a trade.

poppajn, May 2, 4:18am
Oh regarding the other vechicle, it was insured with Youi, repeated call's made, no-one answer's the phone