do you lose demerits if picked up with none of the above? borrowed plate off another trailer ?
Jun 9, 2:40pm
Yes, 15 points, plus another 25 points if picked up with the wrong plates.
Jun 9, 3:41pm
thanks for that mm confirmed what i was thinking, cheers
Jun 10, 4:31am
And how pray tell would it be possible to determine that a trailer was wearing a "borrowed" plate?
Jun 10, 5:10am
Depending on trailers it could be hard but if say one was an old 1975 home built blue one and it's plate was on what is clearly a newish silver one they might wonder. But yea, not like they have body tags. maybe they should?
Jun 11, 1:52am
My black trailer is registered as yellow, coz it used to be yellow years ago. The colour can be changed at the time of a fresh rego. But then again - my boat trailer is yellow!
Jun 12, 11:25pm
A lot of commercially made trailers have a serial number from the manufacture somewhere on them and boat trailers normally say boat trailer on the rego papers ,
Jun 12, 11:40pm
but the serial number is not on the rego, so how would enforcement know?
Jun 13, 1:43pm
Are trailers subject to the new wof rules where as if newer than 2005 you only need them yearly ?
Jun 13, 2:18pm
Isn't that for a motor vehicle? is a trailer classed as one?
LOL Iv'e just got one for my trailer for "Operated a motor vehicle on the road when it was not licensed. by a parking warden.
My trailer wasn't on the road, It was parked 5 metres off the road (council land) on the grass and had been there for 5 hours.
Thinking about fighting it. just for S and G.
Jun 13, 2:36pm
Ah just found the def of the nzta site
DEFINITION: Trailer A vehicle without motive power that is constructed for the purpose of being drawn behind a motor vehicle.
So surely no demerits on that one.
Jun 13, 5:36pm
Just got one today. for 21 months!
Jun 20, 10:07pm
sounds like done for the wrong thing.
a lot of councils have bylaw stating you can't have an unlicensed vehicle on council land and i think some may include "public place".
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