Something I've noticed is whenever I see a bad, aggressive driver that there is almost always 4 interlinked circles where the car badge usually goes. Is this a symbol for a secret society of wankers? One guy came speeding up behind a line of traffic on the motorway flashing his headlights and throwing his arms in the air, he had the little circles on his car. I think they thought all the cars should pull over so he could speed past all the traffic. This morning I saw a woman in one of those cars throwing her arms up and mouthing off at a perfectly fine lane change, weird eh? Whenever I'm out there and I see people speeding or get tailgated and that sort of thing I think, wtf? Then see the symbol and go ahhh that makes sense.
Dec 17, 2:36pm
The 2 cars that overtook me on double yellow lines while gesturing out the window on SH1 yesterday were a Holden and a Mazda respectively, so I'm not sure that breed of car makes much difference to arrogant twits.
Dec 17, 2:45pm
It's not just that make and model!
Yesterday AM a fellow classic 80s Ford Laser driver tailgated the $h!t out of me all the way over the Rimutaka hill. THREE times he actually had to dive off to the left to avoid rear-ending me, as I braked with the queue of cars in front. I wanted to pull over and be rid of him but the extreme following distance and rain made that seem pretty risky in its own right.
At one point he was high-beaming me and everything, as though I was doing something wrong by being in front of him.
Stay off drugs, kids!
Dec 17, 3:31pm
Audi wankers
Dec 17, 3:41pm
Yes unfortunately the Audi guys have rather taken the mantle of arrogant dickheads from us hard working BMW guys. But don't worry, we are working hard to earn our title back.
Dec 17, 4:16pm
In Central Auckland there is one list of rules for drivers and one list of possible rules for late model European car drivers.
Dec 17, 4:18pm
Aggressive Drivers ( the thread title ) they tend to lose all reason/common sense and rational thinking/control if something cramps their ego or whenever something gets up their nose have no place on our roads! Lots of them in "Flash Harry Cars" or so they think, actually seem to think road laws/speed limits and road markings and etc etc pertaining to sane law abiding driving doesn't apply to them. . nuff said.!
Dec 17, 4:28pm
Cool, wish they'd role this out to the provinces.
Dec 17, 4:32pm
well it's hardly secret now is it! Damn you sir! Maybe you should just accept that a better driver in a better car should really get right of way.
Dec 17, 4:34pm
That's not hard to imagine at all and I noticed occasions where that fits going by odd times I was there recently, thank god I'm not there full time. I just couldn't believe the number of cars (all makes) new ish or older with one or more bent panels or bumpers bent or missing off them, do they drive by feel or aggressive ignorance there, that would be a legitimate question I reckon? The 4 circle thing just about sums up the Audi . always going in circles, perhaps that extends to some of the wanker owners too I'd wager?
Dec 17, 5:25pm
And what criteria do you use to judge a better car or better driver?
Dec 17, 5:40pm
Well anyone who can afford an Audi is surely a more successful educated person. Obviously they're not driving a Toyota! (-;
Dec 17, 5:57pm
Depends. I doubt many Lexus LFA owners would consider downgrading to some paltry Audi?
Dec 17, 6:04pm
yes well, that is one very very expensive Toyota. Whilst an Audi is of course just an expensive Skoda.
Dec 17, 8:05pm
Maaate don't encourage the trolls. This time of year always brings out the grinches.
Dec 17, 8:18pm
Holden V8 drivers seem worst to me they just have to be in front .
Dec 17, 8:33pm
I must admit that I get a bit angry at the muppets driving up the middle of some of our Coromandel roads, especially when they leave more room on the left side of their car than the right. Now that it has warmed up and the droves have started to visit, it has become a near daily experience, all I can do is take a deep breath and be thankful that it wasn't me that they committed suicide with as I creep past as they sit in the middle of the road panicking. Now I know the roads can be very narrow around here, but if I can get past the logging trucks and rubbish collectors without anyone leaving the road or having to swerve, then there is no reason the jucy's and avis's of the world can't do the same. If I could add one new road sign to our roads it would be "Keep Left or Keep Out!" ETA: While I'm on a rant, if you are doing 40-50kph in a 100kph zone then pull over into the left hand bays that dot our roads and let those who know the road continue on our way without having to crawl along behind you, we have no passing lanes and impeding the flow of traffic due to your incompetence is passive aggressive nonsense.
Dec 17, 11:28pm
I'm just going to copy this from what I've just posted in the clitty post.
COPY The problem is that they are dumbing us down. Very soon, no-one will be capable of driving at a higher speed, so 104 will be too fast for most to handle. It's like driving pissed, a number of us were very good at it once, because we practised every weekend (or more)
Had a classic yesterday: I was passenger in a car with a timid driver (and a worried painter in the back) that sat behind a big arsed tractor & baler for the full length of a substantial straight, with plenty of opportunity to overtake, not taken. As we rounded a slight bend at the end of the straight, and with very little clear road, a ute shot past and gassed the tractor at the same time. A car appeared in the opposite direction, and it turned into a very squeaky situation. The scared painter said some words, and our driver joined in, saying he had come from two cars behind. Of course, I couldn't see there was a convoy behind.
Anyone wanta guess as to what my opinion is towards who caused this to happen? And it wasn't the tractor.
Dec 17, 11:42pm
I rarely get tail-gated on the motorway anyway, in fact, it is usually a case of picking my way through the lane hogging clattys of this island.
Tailgaters are usually in the 80km or lower limits and invariably females who probably don't realise that my car would probably stop in half the distance of theirs, even without thinking time.
Car badge means nothing as most seem to be in Jap cars anyway.
Trog. I hope that by late model European, you are not including British?.
In the UK, most overtaking at 90+ mph, are in German badged vehicles - the majority of those seem to be white Mercedes vans.
Dec 18, 12:13am
Damn how did you get in front of me?!
Edit You don't buy one to stay behind, do ya?
Dec 18, 12:43am
So that means they must have caught you?
And what does that mean to you? Do you want them up your arse? Or would you rather they get in front ASAP and disappear into the distance?
Dec 18, 12:49am
Electric cars currently on the market. All too expensive to buy and the savings from not using fossil fuels is not enough to overcome this.
Dec 18, 12:51am
That's what utterly confuses me about the rolling road blocks, don't they understand that everything gets better after the following car has gone past?
Dec 18, 1:01am
You're in the wrong tread robo! Spoze electric cars are too slow once the ergs run out?
Dec 18, 1:23am
Can't blame Audi and co for holding up traffic. Has to be the Nana Toyota Camry drivers.
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