I have given up my truck licence

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denisue, Sep 9, 12:19am
I renewed my drivers licence on Saturday and did not realize I need a medical certificate to renew my truck licence now. I did not need one last time. Well I did not have one, so said I would not renew that.
I don't drive trucks anyway, so it is not going to inconvenience me too much. The receptionist said I have 5 years to renew it if I want to.
But I have to pay another fee. I will think about it.
I have never driven a truck since the day I passed the test, in 1975.
Why did I get one I hear you asking, the truck was there, so why not?
I was working for a Driving School at the time.

tony9, Sep 9, 12:47am
I gave up mine earlier this year. Doc would have given me the cert, but I know I am better off without it, half stuffed thanks to chemo etc.

robotnik, Sep 9, 12:50am
Everyone over 75 needs a medical certificate anyway.

ladatrouble, Sep 9, 12:53am
Got mine renewed 7 years ago, got the certificate, but the Dr invented a whole lot of problems I had to have blood tests and appointments for. Means I can road test trucks I work on, but next time i think I'll give it a miss. the Dr will say I'm already dead.

lookoutas, Sep 9, 1:06am
I needed a medi for work anyway, so thought I might as well hang onto the HT.
Got it in the Army doing Nat Service, and been very handy ever since.

vic008, Sep 9, 1:18am
At what age do they insist on the medical?

m16d, Sep 9, 1:26am
The medical is not that hard to pass.
If you can see lightning and hear thunder. that's a pass.

No sorry,. that's for a pilots licence.

tony9, Sep 9, 1:26am
Only to get drivers license renewed, and at death.

tony9, Sep 9, 1:31am

bwg11, Sep 9, 1:38am
I'm with you guys, I've had classes 1 to 6 (or their equivalents) for the last 50 years. It is due for renewal in 2020 when I will be 75. I did need a medical for my renewal in 2010. It is all rather academic as I have no need to renew, and also had a very minor stroke last year after which they told me I could only drive cars and motorcycles. My licence still says 1 to 6, wonder if it is noted on the LTSA database. Doesn't matter anyway as I've not needed it for a few years.

henderson_guy, Sep 9, 1:46am
Heavy vehicle licenses require medicals at every renewal.

tamarillo, Sep 9, 1:59am
It was nice having it, occasionally helping friend or myself move, but really I figured it should be a driving test as well.

lookoutas, Sep 9, 2:02am
If I could remember, that's what I thought.

ladatrouble, Sep 9, 2:10am
I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 too, but wouldn't be able to earn a living driving a class 5 truck. I got my truck and trailer in the early '70's when we were working on A trains, or just doubles as they were called then. Needed that license to be a truck mechanic, but wouldn't have a clue about all the stuff they need to know now.

clatty, Sep 9, 4:04am
I have class 5 licence and I had to pass the medical at 65 yrs. My shoulders are stuffed .the doctors said what about your shoulders mate. I said not to worry. I still have class 5 licence. All I have to do is drive in a straight line. All the best Tony9

clatty, Sep 9, 4:10am
Don't worry about minus feed back I had 100 positives deleted but TM refuse to delete red faces without investigate but I don't care.

m16d, Sep 9, 4:35am

dinx, Sep 9, 4:45am
DP's is due next month, I clearly remember him needed medical 10 years ago for the last renewal, he got a lecture to look after himself better and he has and he's only in his 40s so its not a new thing.

I think he's used it twice in the last 10 years. On those two occasions it paid for itself as we could hire a truck instead of hiring a driver & truck.

lespat, Sep 9, 5:57am
Not correct. Renewed licence (1, 2 & M/c) last year at 65 without a medical.

stevo2, Sep 9, 12:49pm
I got my H/T in the 70's in an old Bedford truck. The truck wasn't heavy enough to drive on the test so I had to see my mates at the Building supplies and borrow a tonne of cement for an hour.
You needed to be 18 years old but i got my employer to say that the license was needed for work and was able to get it at 16.
I had to renew it last year and I did need to get a medical
I have 2 different classes of H/T, a car and motorcycle licence.

tgray, Sep 9, 2:09pm
If you have not driven a truck in the last 40 years, it is unlikely you will be needing a truck licence any time soon.

v8_mopar, Sep 9, 2:14pm
Yep every 10 years you need a medical for a truck licence but not sure if that includes endorsements if you have them and only class 1. Its a great idea as there are big risks associated with driving rigs like eating junk all the as you live on the road and heart attacks lol. ok prob not the best example :)

It's also good they do meds for the older group but this should be every year or two! They say the young are the most dangerous on the road but really per k driven it would be the old.

boss_hogg, Sep 9, 4:20pm
A lot of employers in the transport industry require annual health checks now.

tony9, Sep 9, 4:25pm

Hey. contact TradeMe about your red faces. They look like retaliatory feedback to TM will remove them.

denisue, Sep 9, 4:43pm
I am 65. When I was 55 I did not need a medical certificate to renew my truck licence. I liked having it on my licence, it made a good talking point.
I still have my motorcycle and car licence, they should be enough.