Seat-belts / Speedo?

sr2, Sep 27, 12:52am
Hi Guys, need some help here; I appear to have exhausted my somewhat limited Googling skills!
Does a car that has been continually registered in NZ since 1947 need seat-belts or a speedometer? Any link to the relevant legislation will be gratefully appreciated.

gunhand, Sep 27, 12:56am
Dunno, but the emissions from the coal could be an issue. Unless it's a VW then it'll be fine.
No belts from new so shouldn't need them unless re registering i reckon.

sr2, Sep 27, 1:12am
LOL; and I here I was expecting the usual budgie smuggling "speedo" innuendo's!

franc123, Sep 27, 1:26am

No to either, Speedo only required post December 51 and front static belts post January 55.

seadubya, Sep 27, 1:31am
Now that someone has posted the appropriate link, is it safe to say that you will get belted with more than a seat if you step out in public in your speedos?

sr2, Apr 28, 5:02am
Thank you my good sir, you've answered my question in full.

(Yeee. haaa. !)