Headlight adjuster,

youngagran, May 18, 4:58pm
Went for warrant on car and failed on headlight adjuster, they said the beam is to high, and they coudn't adjust it. What is easiest and best fix. Do i just get another headlight from the wreckers or is there an easier fix? Any helpful tips will be appreciated.

pandai, May 18, 5:08pm
Just replace the adjuster itself if you can. Availability would depend on the car. It's a common failure on some cars, eg. late 90s BMWs.

toyboy3, May 18, 5:10pm
Red cars are easy to fix , green cars a bit harder, blue cars very hard .

youngagran, May 18, 5:18pm
i just have a little ole mitsi chariot. Why is a blue car harder to fix toyboy3 ?

msigg, May 18, 10:58pm
He is prompting the make and type of vehicle as could be something common to that type. Bulb could also be put in the wrong way, pack out the top of the light fitting a little, park up to a fence and see what's going on.

tamarillo, May 18, 11:02pm
Yeah he is teasing you for asking without giving us more info.

You're best looking closely at headlight adjuster and try working it, and work out what is stopping it working. Could be adjuster or plastic fittings, no way of knowing till you get up close and personal.

As long as you can get it pointing down to a better position, and it is stable there, you should be okay.

flossy64, May 18, 11:39pm
My Atenza Failed on the same thing, but only one side worked off the electronic adjuster. I just set it so both lights were the same, reached in behind the adjuster dial in the dash and pulled it out. Job done, WOF passed. Incidentally Atenzas/6's have manual headlight adjustment.

nzmax, May 19, 4:03am
Maybe a dumb question, but when you say they couldn't adjust it, did they mean that there is no adjustment on the headlight, or did they mean that they couldn't adjust it because they didn't have time/experience/tools etc?

youngagran, Jan 22, 7:11am
All fixed, thanks everyone. In answer to some questions. They couldn't adjust it as it was buggered. Got a headlight from partsworld and the guys there fitted it for me. Allgood now, Cheers.