Kids mini jeeps?

dasfi, Nov 1, 4:12am
The mini jeeps you used to see and on the odd occasion still see at the carnival's.
Where would I be able to find one of these for sale? Would love to do one up for the kids

daryl14, Nov 1, 12:23pm
Keep a watch set up under motors /specialist cars / go karts and in toys and models/ ride on toys.

kazbanz, Nov 1, 5:22pm
dasfi--they DO come up as daryl said. Ive been trying to buy one for a fair while but they are all south island so far.
To be honest Ive been looking at 2 seater offroaders and putting a body on them. As a basis for a Jeep project I think they are the best

poppy62, Nov 1, 8:38pm
Are you talking about the little jeeps that are powered by battery and 6/12 volt motor. If so I'm looking at one now right outside my door.

kazbanz, Nov 1, 9:23pm
poppy--I think not--bigger and usually powered by a lawnmower engine.
dasfi-I had a thought--there was a kart track in silverdale that went bust
They had about 6 kiddie karts with jeep bodies

dasfi, Nov 1, 10:39pm
Cheers for that, I would have no idea how to find them or see what was happening. I may have to keep an eye out on here ,

marte, Nov 2, 5:27am
I think the OP wants one with a fibreglass body.

I have a plastic body 6-12Volt kids one thats gonna get remote controlled one day.

dasfi, Nov 23, 2:32am
Cheers anyway but not really what im after
something like this.