Truck Parking on residential street

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trogedon, May 3, 8:54pm
By "winging" you mean 'whinging' right? Private citizens don't own the road (not directly anyway) but residents are entitled to peace and quiet in their dwellings.

dinx, May 3, 11:04pm
Interestingly we did have an issue more recently with a rubbish truck company coming down our cul de sac about 4am I think and picking up all the bins using the hydrolics etc. I expect early but not quite that early in a residential area. Council followed up on it because it was outside of the operating licence they had. Would be completely different if in CBD commercial area, but they have rules around rubbish trucks as they are actually conducting business on the street.

Noise control is an issue in urban dwelling but normal vehicle noise is exempt from those restrictions. Technically we can't even use power tools on a Sunday if you read bylaws as most exceed Sun limits, luckily if you are reasonable that is usually overlooked.

hotrodtodd1, May 4, 12:05am
Knowing of similar complaints down here in Chch, I can say that you do NOT have the right to the car parking space out the front of your house. Its a public space, and unless theres a bylaw stating otherwise, anyone can park their 20 tonne truck and trailer there.

So go check the bylaws for your area. If the truckie isnt acting illegally, then you have no real comeback.

And for the dude above (CleggyBoy) who claimed above that he vandalised the truck, thats about the dopiest response I have read. Grow up

poppajn, May 4, 2:00am
As long as a night light is displayed in darkness and legally parked I would,nt think there is much that can be done.
As for cleggy, what hydraulic lever's are you talking about?, enjoy your smoke man.

skiff1, May 4, 7:41am
People live in town and then expect the million and a half other residents to be entirely silent and have no effect whatsoever on their life? Give your head a shake! Truck drivers have to live somewhere, and so do their trucks.
As for knobs who vandalise other people's property in the night, they ought to be prepared for the ownership of said property to vandalise them.

richardmayes, May 4, 2:36pm
Making a great loud machine noise in a residential area is bloody rude, no matter whether it is legal or not.

Big diesels sometimes do not seem excessively loud when you stand right alongside them, but the throb goes right through people's walls ten doors away and rattles things from your plates right down to your (sleeping) skull.

I wonder how many on here would still be saying "get over it" if the truck in this story had been a Mazda Rotary with 3" straight pipe and everything else (days, times) remained the same?

Or a death metal band practising in next door's garage at 4am? Hey it's their livelihood so that makes it ok, right?

Trucks are heavy industrial machines. Company structures where there is no proper yard for them to be kept on, so that they end up parked outside some poor b starred's house, are RUDE.

That is the only word for it. Rude.

richardmayes, May 4, 2:40pm
But having said all that, a trucker 4 doors down our street parks his Renault log truck and trailer outside his own house every night. We never hear him arrive in the afternoon, we never hear him leave in the morning. I like HIS truck!

wellyguynz, May 5, 2:13am
stop whinging Get over it and go back to sleep

mattnzw, May 5, 6:19am
The councils district plan may have restrictions in it.

cleggyboy, May 6, 4:18pm
When I had my house filled up with diesel fumes and nothing was going to be done about legally, I took the illegal stance and would do so again. Perhaps the ignorant truckie should have had more consideration for others. To many truckies out there who thing they can do as they please, it is a low culture we have to deal with.

henderson_guy, May 6, 4:21pm
What a tosser!

skiff1, May 6, 10:52pm
what it boils down to is you think you're more important than other legitimate road users. You're wrong, and I hope that the truckie you victimised sees this thread and talks to the cops. You are lucky he didn't catch you and give you a bloody good hiding.
As for low cultures, who broke the law? You or the truck driver?

skiff1, Feb 10, 12:06pm
could not agree more!