Truck Parking on residential street

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extrayda, May 2, 3:01pm
We have a large (about half the total road width) truck that has been parking outside our house for the last couple of weeks. Just in front of a corner (it does have a red marker light on at night). This forces cars onto the wrong side of the road to pass. It also starts up quite early in the morning, and although the driver is obviously trying not to be too noisy, it's a large truck.
Did a quick google, and didn't find anything recent about the legalities of this? Does anyone know? It looks like parking of trucks on the street between certain hours was banned on the North Shore, but that was a while ago.
I'm going to talk to the guy, but want to know what the legal side is.
If he's only going to be there for a short while I will put up with it, but don't want it there long term.

survivalkiwi, May 2, 3:10pm
I had a similar problem a few years ago with trucks parking outside from evening and leaving about 2am. We had full cattle trucks and a truck carting salmon that had a petrol driven pump going all the time. The drivers were staying a a motel around the corner. The motelier was not interested ,the council were not interested and nor were the police. When I phoned the trucking company owner at midnight and told him that the neighbours had got together and were going to let the cattle out next time they were there that was the end of the problem.

cagivachick1, May 2, 3:46pm
when its gone park a car in the spot, he wont be able to park there

extrayda, May 2, 3:52pm
Haha thought of both of these options, but I figure it's better to just talk to the guy first :-) just want to know if he is actually allowed to park there. Different councils have different parking laws.

kazbanz, May 2, 3:52pm
extrayada--I don't know of any legal way of having the truck moved.
Survivalkiwi pretty well has it covered.

pettal, May 2, 3:56pm
Or find (borrow) some orange cones and place them there .

tamarillo, May 2, 4:39pm
Get over it I say. A few more hazards make drivers more aware and better drivers. Truck is entitled to park.

extrayda, May 2, 6:04pm
So you would like a truck parked outside your bedroom window, leaving early in the morning including weekends? I'm not sure it is entitled to park there, that's what I am trying to find out.

wind.turbine, May 2, 6:40pm
have a neighbor that drives a cattle truck and has it parked i his drive all the time, I hear it most mornings when he leaves to go work, tbh I am not bothered by it, the man has gota work!

at least he does work, more than a lot of the people on these boards complaining about not getting their beauty sleep can say

extrayda, May 2, 8:01pm
Point is that's in his drive, not parked outside your house 100 metres away from his. Don't know if you are referring to me with the work comment, but I have worked for the last 30 years solid. Never been on any benefit. This is in a built up area where houses are close together and sections are about 600m2 not rural.

cleggyboy, May 2, 8:16pm
Since they made the stupid decision to form a super city a lot of bylaws that the different councils had, have now gone down the gurgler.

But if you wish ring Auckland Transport and ask if they can sort it.

extrayda, May 2, 8:20pm
Yep, I will ring to find out - looks like no-one here knows for sure.
If it's only going to be for a little while I don't care, just don't want it there permanently. Will find out next week.

redhead96, May 2, 10:34pm
So one person goes to work starting up a truck. This in turns wakes others from their sleep it's all good?
How are these people meant to function during the day (due to lack of sleep) at their job just because of one person?

trogedon, May 2, 11:30pm
Agree totally.

joanie04, May 2, 11:52pm
I get woken up most mornings by the neighbour behind. They are our local rural delivery contractors. Around 5.30am they head off. Not so bad now but the inconsiderate sod would often leave the van running with the stereo on, reasonably loud as well and head banging music at that. That's not all one of their dogs likes to bark often and you have to ask them to tell the dog to stop. Security lights that don't turn off and shine into our property. Also the family have a second rural delivery run with two vans and they all call in around mid morning. Not bad now but there is more they used to also have a courier franchise with two vans. So in residence there were a RD van, two courier vans and their personal runabout. Her parents often stay (another two vehicles). Now that they have got rid of the courier franchise there is not so much coming and going. I'd rather have one truck sometimes, than these guys.

_frodo_, May 3, 12:00am
There's one just started parking on my street on the north shore too. And this is quite a steep street, and with cars parking on both sides it's becoming quite dangerous. This truck is even worse by the sounds of it; no cone and he parks facing down the hill, but gets his left rear wheels onto the footpath. I see auckland council parking cars frequently, but he's still doing it.

henderson_guy, May 3, 12:13am
Really? In that case, I hope you don't mow your lawns during the day, in case one of your neighbours works night shift and you disturb their sleep so they can't function. So you get woken for a few minutes, surely its not that hard to go back to sleep? I sometimes stay in an industrial building and can be woken early by the roller door opening and a large diesel engine starting and idling inside. It's really no biggie, and you're probably only noticing it because it's different. Soon you won't even notice it

cleggyboy, May 3, 1:39am
I had an inconsiderate driver park the truck he was allocated outside my place. He came down each morning (early) started the truck, locked it up then went back home for I presume brecky.
The cops were not interested even when I pointed out my house was being filled with diesel fumes.
So late one night armed with a lump of water pipe they had the hydralic levers rearranged. That sorted it.

tintop, May 3, 4:09am
All the old by laws stand until they are replaced. They do not just 'disappear'

nesta129, May 3, 6:04am
Down the street is a guy who parks his truck and trailer on the side of the road.Well it obscures those reversing out of the drive-way,as they can barely see cars driving through the street.seems like no-one has cared to complain.
However my friend's dad also had a truck and trailer parked just outside their house and the neighbors complained to the council who then sent someone to tell my friend's dad that he was not allowed to park his truck there anymore.

dinx, May 3, 6:35am
I had a similar issue but significantly worse some years ago. We lived next door to a driver (cab only but large) who worked at the ferry terminal and came home between each sailing throughout the night. So starting a truck cab up several tmes each night, not just being woken once, every couple of hours.

He had to park legally including set distances from intersections and vehicle accessways (driveways). There is nothing noise control can do about any kind of vehicle noise. Police also said there was no offence.

The only loop hole we had was had he been running a business from home it would have been against bylaws but that will vary as I'm in Wellington, but he was an employee so didn't apply. Complaints to the company he worked for were ignored. "we will look into it" We were stuffed and ended up moving anyhow.

tamarillo, May 3, 3:16pm
No I wouldn't. But I don't have right to stop it. I don't own the road.

tamarillo, May 3, 3:18pm
Where would you have him park? You don't own the road.
You sound like a bunch of winging poms to me.

bashfulbro, May 3, 7:59pm
Me too,NZers are becoming all ME,ME,ME.

dinx, May 3, 8:27pm
Every 2-3 hours 7 days of the week at night in a high density residential area is not reasonable IMHO. The truck should have been left at the terminal yards or in the nearby (commercial area) yards the company owned and come home by car between loading/unloadings and there would have been no issue.

I personally would not have cared if it was just once a day and returning at night, many of my neighbours do this and drive subbies that are not quiet. It was the several times every night that were the issue about 4 -5 meters from our bedroom.