Terms say must be collected with in 7 days. Vehicle does not have a COF so can't collect and drive. COF expired Nov, unsure if it will fly through new one. I am in South Island and don't know if I could get a transporter within 7 days. (assuming I won auction) Any ideas as I'm sure some of you must have experience
Jan 9, 2:54pm
Contact the seller and arrange terms to suit both party's
Jan 9, 2:56pm
Do you have any friends in the north island? Might be easier to get it delivered there and then work out how to get it to the SI
Jan 9, 3:00pm
Thanks guys- it's a reecivership auction otherwise I would ask to pay extra (if I got it) and get the COF to drive home. It was a company truck and COF just expired so hoping it will get one again no trouble. Can you just rock into gtetsing station to get COF? Have somebody not too far away but it needs COF to be driven on road. Dilemma!
Jan 9, 3:37pm
buy something easier
Jan 9, 4:15pm
Agreed, the money spent getting a cof then getting it to south island could be saved and spent on a similar truck down there. The cost of said truck would need to be thousands cheaper than a south island truck to make it viable.
Jan 9, 4:17pm
If it's booked in for a COF, it can be driven there. How far - is a debatable question.
Jan 9, 4:21pm
if you buy it you can leave it in my paddock if you want?(hastings)
Jan 9, 5:56pm
WHAT? 7 days unrealistic? Surely you just bid with that in mind. There are local towing companies that can tow it to and store it in their yard at a few hours notice.
Jan 9, 6:10pm
tnzw sorry ,thats the terms of the sale if buyers dont like them simply dont bid, go find something else.
Jan 9, 7:14pm
Just drive it. What are the chances of getting caught anyway?
Jan 9, 10:23pm
I would expect a serious buyer to conatct me, if I was the seller, and negotiate an arrangement - i.e. - full payment immediately at auction close, and an agreement that the vehicle will be collected as soon as practical.
Why not contact the seller first instead of asking us? we dont know what the esllers circumstances are
Jan 9, 10:34pm
Thanks everyone and les6! The seller is an unassociated company that is seller assets as business went into receivership. I could probably get it moved but wlll also ask the selling company about staying a bit longer as they have other gear still being sold. The wee tipper trucks are like hens teeth around NZ since the Christchurch quakes so getting ne anywhere is a mission. For the right price it is worth buying in the North Island and putting on a transporter
Jan 10, 12:15am
borrow a set of trade plates from your local garage
Jan 10, 1:10am
That's a thought. Does hubodmeter need to be fitted to get COF as it had ERoad fitted and that has been removed? Thank you all for being so helpful!
Jan 10, 1:15am
Trade plates are only for vehicles that have not been issued with a plate Not previous licensed vehicles
Jan 10, 1:07pm
Don't tell everybody!
Feb 19, 3:23am
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