Headlight crack - and warrants?

vwork, Jun 5, 5:17am
So my backing sensors don't work, never really have (they go off any time they like with nothing there and then not at all when somethings there) and I went to far and backed into the concrete block wall at work scratching my plastic painted bumper! Worse I suspect - i cracked the very bottom edge of the rear headlight unit. It's almost as if it's not cracked right through, I can't feel the crack edge but can see it (about 2cm long) and very much doubt any water could get in as can't even feel it. It's about a cm from the bottom edge (below the lights part). Will this mean I can't get a warrant (if they even see it). Bet costs a bomb to replace (2012 european car).

jmma, Jun 5, 5:24am
Can you see light through the crack? Tail light?

2sheddies, Jun 5, 6:28am
Assuming it's the brake/tail light. As above says, so long as no white light shows through the crack at night, should be absolutely fine.

frytime, Jun 5, 5:21pm
and no evidence of water getting in

intrade, Jun 5, 5:36pm
can we make 1 thing clear a headlight is in to front of the car tail light is on the back like john keys ponitail pulling tail-light.
So what exactly is it now front or back light?

tamarillo, Jun 5, 7:12pm
Hi op. Think it is clear it is a rear light cluster. As others say if you can't see white light you're good. And you can remedy any possible moisture by taking it off and smearing some plastic glue on inside of crack. I would as moisture can get in tiniest crack.

vwork, Jun 5, 8:49pm
Back it is (nice one intrade). Didn't think that one through did I.
So i doubt there'd be any light emitting via this area is it's the very base of the TAIL-LIGHT! Thanks for the suggestions too. Cheers :)

gsimpson, Jun 6, 3:14am
Glass cover on insurance may cover it?

lookoutas, Jul 16, 12:14pm
Trouble is - some of the pricks have put an excess on glass now!