vehicle being ready to collect by purchaser (going through an car dealer) vehicle needs to go through compliance, rego, service, PPI and valet. I realize this is probably a "how long is a piece of string" type question, but it's worth asking right?
Jan 8, 3:22am
Mine ex Japan I work on 5 working days, varies a little but if a car sold gets prioritised and if no paint needed only a couple of days. This week is worst of year though as there is a backlog due to short weeks and staff away. Could stretch to two weeks.
Jan 8, 3:48am
Whoa. from the heading,I thought you were getting a new boat. As you were.
Jan 8, 3:48am
hahahahaha i wish! shit even an old boat would be good
Jan 8, 3:56am
thanks, of course this week would be the worst of the year! haha oh well patience is a virtue i guess
Jan 8, 6:31pm
That depends first of all on how long the car takes to get to the dealer/compliance centre once the car arrives in NZ.Right now just across Auckland is takeing 2-3 days because the wharfs are so busy. THEN it depends on what the car needs for compliance. the actual inspection/stripping process takes about 4-6 hours but then theres brake pads.tyres or more serious repairs that take time. THEN theres the cosmetic repairs, paint touch ups etc. So it very much depends on the specifics of the car.
Mar 1, 2:37am
thanks kaz, the boat arrived earlier in the week and all the vehicles off it are supposed to be at the compliance place by Monday. Have been told it will be pushed to the top of the queue. Fingers crossed it doesn't have any major issues or paint work needing doing!
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