As for the boat. Well . Who really cares about the weather cover.
Are some people that lazy, that they wont pull it off, so they can get a proper photograph!
Dec 4, 6:53am
Guess u gotta ask!--Make etc--not hard to do.
Dec 4, 6:59am
Oh. OK.
Dec 4, 7:23am
well grasshoppers. its had an extra chine screwed on and hand layed over so it used to be a wet boat now its probably a dry boat but in doing that it wont plow through the waves so much as ride over them so a rough ride in the rough, the floor has been replaced but looking at the transom drain you can see it sticking up on the old floor by about 20mm so i would hazard a guess to say it wasnt all pulled up and replaced just a new construction ply over the top and a layer of glass and gel-coat minimum, the deck has been stressed where it meets the rear on both sides and has been glassed over and the deck sides dont meet the rear the same size so maybe its had another rear section put on it. The keel has been glassed over and a bronze flat been screwed on so that probably means it has been used a lot off a gravel beach and aroun rocks etc so this has been done to repair damage to the hull, a good move. As for the mechanicals and trailor; I leave that to the mechanical grasshoppers, cheers.
Dec 4, 8:02am
Heeeeey!.that's what I thought too.especially the bit bout the molding thing not being stuck to the right size thingy-ma-jig.
May 1, 1:41am
Looks like a Fleet line but I don't think this would be 5.4 mtrs !
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