State insurance- glass cover- does this

paddy191284, Dec 2, 4:57pm
cover head lights? TIa

mrfxit, Dec 2, 8:17pm
Not normally these days.
Headlights have become very expensive on modern vehicles so most if not all insurance companys removed headlight cover from individual glass cover

bigmuz1, Dec 2, 9:44pm
Most don't even cover mirrors under glass cover either

vtecintegra, Dec 2, 9:49pm
State does cover driving lights (had one of mine done last month) but I don't think headlights themselves are covered. May as well call and ask though.

tfc3, Dec 2, 10:28pm
I am with AMI. My son broke a tail light on my new Outlander. AMI paid for replacement, less my excess. Would have paid the total cost if the light was glass and not plastic.

lookoutas, Dec 2, 10:48pm
Find out, and tell us.

morrisjvan, Dec 2, 11:29pm
It would be much more sensible to ring the insurance company and ask them.
They will know.

tjholding, Dec 3, 1:26pm
I'm going to assume you have a comprehensive car policy (

` Windscreens and windows
If a claim is only for accidental loss to windscreens, windows, sun-roofs,
or driving lights of the car, you won??

vtecintegra, Dec 3, 1:31pm
Driving lights are a different thing to head lights which is why I suggested calling them.

bryshaw, Dec 3, 6:18pm
NZI and FMG still cover headlights without excess.

saxman99, Dec 3, 6:24pm
Is anyone still making glass headlights? All the ones I've looked at recently have been polycarbonate.

intrade, Dec 3, 11:43pm
yea but my driving lights are inside the head lights lol
to bad ia already found some good secoundhand ones after hunting for 3 years for some

martin11, Jul 30, 5:06am
IAG covered our Polo headlight .