Headlight cleaning time again, pfffft.

attitudedesignz, Oct 8, 12:59am

gammelvind, Oct 8, 1:12am
Nah, you'll buff them again next time lol.

attitudedesignz, Oct 8, 1:22am
Hahahah. yeah probably.

ambo11, Oct 8, 2:08am
Bloody good job, light looks new. what did you use?

attitudedesignz, Oct 8, 2:12am

1200 grit (wet) then 3M extra cut compound with an orange heavy cut pad on the buff.

monsieurl, Oct 8, 2:27am
+1 looks great

crtnz, Oct 8, 2:42am
Excellent result - made the mistake of showing the wife, have to do ours now.

gammelvind, Oct 8, 3:00am
Dumb dumb dumb, sometimes us guys never learn! Duh.

howie69, Oct 8, 5:29am
Toothpaste on a rag works really well

djrandomguy, Oct 8, 6:05am
our crappy euro cars both have headlights that don't fade in the sun. man euro cars are expensive rubbish.

stevo2, Oct 8, 12:04pm
Excellent results

craigsmith, Oct 9, 1:27am
How would you "fix them properly" ?

bigfatmat1, Oct 9, 1:46am
I hope that's not your car!

attitudedesignz, Oct 9, 1:57am
Her in door's daily.

gunhand, Oct 9, 2:02am
I have to ask. How do you spray 2k clear on them. Ok, I know that bit lol. But would you sand them to give it something to bite into or use a plasti primer first? Heard some do this but as a rule I don't spray polished up headlights or unprepped plastics.

attitudedesignz, Oct 9, 2:04am
Yeah, kinda why i haven't done it yet i think.

Might find a couple old poly headlight covers and find best technique.

gunhand, Oct 9, 2:07am
Ive got a few old lights floating about, should flick some clear on one and toss it outside for a while and see what happens.

attitudedesignz, Oct 9, 2:25am
Will do the same.

One buffed - cleared, one buffed - plastic primer - clear, one just 1500 - cleared.

poppy62, Oct 9, 2:29am
Has to be a Vitz! they seem to be very prone to this.

tintop, Oct 9, 2:39am
The spray can stuff that comes with the 3M/Repco kits incorporates a uV protection, as well it has the same refractive index at the plastic that the headlights are made from. The sanding finish on the plastic can be quite coarse ( 1000 grit - far from crystal clear) but once coated the fogginess disappears,

gunhand, Oct 9, 2:50am
Yea, I suppose its no different than flatting off a already cleared surface and re clearing or blending.

tintop, Mar 6, 11:39am
I did the headlights on our Sprinter camper. They required a fair amount of deep sanding with something like 120 grit pad, followed by 600, then 1000 wet and dry, and finally the spray can coating.

It would have taken many many hours with toothpaste etc :)

Was easy enough to remove them, made the whole job far easier.