Going for a test drive. thank you. ehh. getting too confusing if I go for sedan. :) Too many choices out there. Someone offered me $3500 for a 2003 nissan bluebird.
Oct 19, 1:41am
If it is as good as the pics look it will serve you well. As I said (from real experience) they are a well proven car. Do everything quite well and a entirely practicable car. I know other people who have had them for many many years (still have them) and have no issues at all. No tow bar so at least it hasn't been subjected to heavy towing. And for the price, Ya can't go wrong IMO. Wife had one few years back and always wanted another.
Oct 19, 2:15am
Thank you! Was going to take it to the mechanic down the road to check but he's not there tomorrow. Might have to spend $110 to take it to vtnz for pre purchase inspection (if the brakes is manageable. ha!) Would probably be gone soon if it's such a well proven car.
Oct 19, 2:26am
Yes like any car if you are not mechanically minded get it checked. As for brakes, don't worry about it, you will adapt to a different car pretty quick. All I will say is make sure the transmission shifts nice. Check all windows go up and down as well, as well as all other bits that twist and turn. It's not a new car so some minor faults may be there but shouldn't affect the car as a sensible day to to day unit.
Oct 19, 4:39am
Thank you for the tips!
Oct 19, 4:01pm
I forgot to ask if cambelt has been changed. Rang him again this morning. He said yes, at 100 kms. Hmmm. not convince. Is there a way to check by sight by mechanic if it has been changed? Ta
Oct 19, 5:23pm
Needs a receipt really but often only evenidence is white paint marker writing in engine bay somewhere 'cambelt 100,000km' . It's often on belt cover or somewhere obvious. It's a funny way of doing it as it's hardly proof but seems widespread. Otherwise one needs to look at cambelt itself and assess. This is quicker to do in some cars than others so I'll let a mechanic tell you how long in that car. Reckon your mechanic down the road is better place for a check though. Specially if you use them. Any car, even a Toyota, can be stuffed with less miles than this if not serviced, so whilst these are good sound cars, it can still be needing work, and lots of smaller things can add up to a big bill. So yes, do get checked. Also it's an import so you don't truly know it's real mileage.
Oct 19, 7:21pm
ok thanks. Have not used mechanic down the road but he comes highly recomended. Had spoken to him last week and he is ok to help me look through cars. But he is not here today. :( He also said dealer had taken cars to him for servicing before parking it for sale. Otherwise I might have to look for a backyard mechanic to get cambelt done. Had been quoted by two mechanics that it will cost either $650 or $700 to get cambelt change.
Oct 19, 9:07pm
Cambelt has been done. Waiting for loan to be transferred and ownership changed and car will be mine.
Thank you everybody for your inputs. It has been great help to me. Now I know better than 6 yrs ago when I bought the RVR!
Oct 20, 12:53am
Well done. What did you think of the car when you drove it? Good as you hoped or better? If you can, bring all servicing up to date, oil, filter, plugs, air cleaner etc (not expensive at all) and then you know where you stand with it. Also price trans service at some stage.
Jan 17, 12:07pm
thanks! I was happy with the brakes! lol! Glad I didn't have any motion sickness after I got out of the car. Engine was also quieter from inside unlike the other 3 toyota which I have driven. I quite like it as it was smooth. He will also gas the a/c as it wasn't cold Glad I checked that out.
eh. I didn't take it to vtnz for pre purchase inspection check as dealer has taken it to the mechanic down the road for service. I would probably take car for them to service as well. Oil filter and oil change has been done. etc Also spoke to the mechanic who has service it last week and he said it's a good car.
I have to get used to the car being lower though. heh!
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