2006 BMW F650GS Dakar

40wav, Aug 4, 2:55am
Just got myself one of these and really love it.
One issue though, the dash is playing up. The reputable company I bought it off are standing by it 100% so this is not a slag off thread, just wondered if anyone else had had a similar issue. The rev counter and speedo sometimes are ok, often times are not (either nothing or full or somewhere in between but not moving), and I get a fuel low light when I know there's plenty in there. Other funny stuff too, but the engine never misses a beat and all headlight/tail light/indicators etc are fine. Still very ride-able (and awesome to be out on), I just have no idea how fast I'm going and worry that engine lights that maybe should show might not. There are ADV threads on this subject with many different results but just wondered if anyone here had experienced this? Cheers all - Stay safe.

muzz67, Aug 4, 3:33am
Good battery and charging system?

tamarillo, Aug 4, 4:12am
Blimey, this could be so many things causing problem it's a mechanics nightmare. Since there are so many weird things it's not likely it's any sensor, but I assume sensors are feeding info to a computer somewhere. That would be my first port of call.
Unless it's been apart and someone has stuffed up the wiring. I'd be tempted just to open each plug on wires leading to dash, squirt some cry and close tight again, just in case.
Nice bikes.

40wav, Aug 4, 4:20am
Yep. Winds over and starts faster than any I've seen. Was thinking of checking the battery leads though as this was one of the issues mentioned in ADV. Cheers.

40wav, Nov 18, 12:37pm
Shop had trouble and fitted a new dash internal in conjunction with a specialist they use prior to release from the shop. No reason yet not to trust them and they have a very good rep. As I say, they are 100% behind the bike and I'm confident this will be sorted. Just wondered if anyone had experienced this before and had some things to look for before I take the dash apart and send away.
One big plug into the back of the dash so not much to go wrong? Cheers.